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. 2022 Jun 21;11:e49. doi: 10.1017/jns.2022.41

Table 2.

Energy, macronutrient and vegetable intakes between the intervention and control groups at baseline and end line of 12 weeks intervention

Intervention Control P-value
25th Median 75th 25th Median 75th
Vegetable intake (g/d)
Baseline 10 17 41 12 27 77 0⋅238
End line 513 787 902 36 103 413 <0⋅001
Energy intake (kcal/d)
Baseline 1376 1543 1867 1198 1598 1934 0⋅991
End line 1074 1267 1446 1265 1576 1762 0⋅048
Carbohydrate (g/d)
Baseline 187 240 290 191 237 276 0⋅811
End line 82 97 181 155 204 246 0⋅005
Protein intake (g/d)
Baseline 54 68 84 43 69 93 0⋅794
End line 66 91 103 61 69 83 0⋅195
Fat intake (g/d)
Baseline 28 46 60 22 38 54 0⋅501
End line 30 48 62 37 45 56 0⋅938
Carbohydrate (% Energy)
Baseline 47⋅2 53⋅9 64⋅5 53⋅9 62⋅9 66⋅6 0⋅204
End line 28⋅4 40⋅1 51⋅1 42⋅3 54⋅9 58⋅5 0⋅004
Protein (% Energy)
Baseline 12⋅8 17⋅3 19⋅8 13⋅8 16⋅4 20⋅1 0⋅937
End line 21⋅3 26⋅3 31⋅1 16⋅7 18⋅1 22⋅8 0⋅005
Fat (% Energy)
Baseline 16⋅4 25⋅8 30⋅6 16⋅0 21⋅7 27⋅4 0⋅296
End line 23⋅7 31⋅1 43⋅4 23⋅4 28⋅0 32⋅0 0⋅200

Vegetable intake: N 40 for intervention, N 41 for control at baseline and end line.

Energy and nutrient intakes; energy distribution: N 21 for intervention, N 23 for control at baseline, N 16 for intervention, N 34 for control at end line, Somersd, significance at P < 0⋅05.