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. 2022 May 23;10(3):e00698-22. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00698-22


List of proteins identified in HEVs and YEVs related to biological processes that are enriched in HEV protein cargo and to virulence

Biological process No. of proteins identified: name(s) or ORF(s)a
Total no. in:
In both YEVs and HEVs Exclusively in:
Cellular processes
 Proteasome 2: Pre5 (α6), Orf19.1785 31: Scl1 (α1), Pre8 (α2), Pre9 (α3), Pup2 (α5), Prs1/Pre10 (α7), Pre3 (β1), Pup1 (β2), Pup3 (β3), Pre1 (β4), Pre2 (β5), Pre4 (β7), Rpt1, Rpt2, Rpt4, Rpt5, Rpt6, Rpn1, Rpn2, Rpn3, Rpn5, Rpn6, Rpn7, Rpn8, Rpn11, Ubp6, Ubc4, Ecm29, Hsm3, Orf19.2278, Orf19.6604, Pr26 33
 Translation factors (initiation, elongation, and release) 4: Ded81, Anb1, Tif, Tef2b 13: Fun12, Sui2, Eif4e, Tif11, Tif5, Nip1, Prt1, Sui1, Sui3, Gcd2, Gcd11, Ria1,b Erf1c 4 17
 tRNA synthetases and ligases 1: Orf19.6701d 14: Grs, Dps1-1, Gln4, Mes1, Orf19.4931, Wrs1, Vas1, Tys1, Ths1, Hts1, Mes1, Frs1, Frs2, Gus1d 1 15
 Ribosomal proteins 4: Asc1, Rpl12, Rpl14, Rpl10a 68: Rps18, Rps3, Rpl23a, Rpl6, Rps14b, Rpl3, Rpl20b, Rps8a, Rps26a, Rps27, Rpl10, Rps15, Rps5, Rps6a, Rps9b, Rpp0, Rps20, Rpl9b, Rpl4b, Rps22a, Rpl11, Rpl16a, Rpl19a, Rpl28, Rps24, Rpl38, Rpl24a, Rps17b, Rpl21a, Rps25b, Rps7a, Rpl15a, Rpl18, Rpl17b, Rpl13, Orf19.3341, Rps23a, Rpl5, Rpl7, Rps16a, Rps1, Orf19.4149.1, Rps13, Rpl27a, Orf19.2478.1, Rpl30, Rpl39, Rpl32, Rps19a, Orf19.3572.3, Orf19.3690.2, Rpl25, Rpl2, Rpl43a, Rpl35, Rps12, Rps21b, Rpl42, Rpp2a, Rps28b, Rpp2b, Rpl37b, Orf19.6220.4, Orf19.828, Orf19.512, Orf19.3778, Orf19.3559, Orf19.5698 4 72
 Purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis 4: Ade13, Ade17, Ade 6, Ado1 17: Ade1, Ade2, Ade4, Ade5, Ade12, Imh3, Gua1, Cpa1, Cpa2, Ura1, Ura2, Ura3, Ura4, Ura5, Ura6, Ura7, Prs1 4 21
 Amino acid biosynthesis 20: Hom6, Met6, Met15, Sah1, Sam2, Shm2, Cys3, Idp1, Idp2, Car2, His7, Asn1, Aro4, Aro8, Leu2, His1, Ser33, Arg1, Lys9, Ilv5 1: Hom2 46: Aro3, Aro9, Pro1, Pro2, Pro3, Lys1, Lys2, Lys4, Lys12, Lys21, Lys22, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5,6, Arg8, Trp2, Trp3, Trp4, Trp5 Cys4, Ser1, Ser2, His4, His5, His7, Tyr1, Prs1, Orf19.6306, Met2, Met3, Met10, Met13, Met14, Met16, Met18, Met13, Ilv1, Ilv2, Ilv3, Ilv6, Hom3, Sam51, Shm1, Leu1, Leu4, Leu42 21 66
 Ergosterol biosynthesis 3: Erg10, Erg13, Erg20 2: Fmp45, Gcy1 11: Erg1, Erg3, Erg4, Erg5, Erg6, Erg9, Erg11, Ncp1, Erg26, Erg27, Hmg1 5 14
 Required for resistance to toxic ergosterol analog 5: Car2, Dag7, Orf19.2047, Mnn23, Ypt31 1: Sap3 4: Amo2, Apl2, Nat2, Vid27 5 9
 Induced by azole treatment or linked to azole resistance 52: Ach1, Aco1, Acs1, Adh1, Ado1, Ahp1, Ald5, Atp1, Cat1, Cht2, Dag7, Dak2, Ecm33, Eng1, Erg10, Ero1, Fba1, Fdh1, Fet34, Fma1, Gdh3, Glk1, Glx3, Gpm1, Grp2, Hhf1, Hsp70, Hsp90, Hxk2, Mcr1, Mid1, Mp65, Msi3, Orf19.1765, Orf19.1766, Orf19.7306, Pbr1, Pck1, Pdc11, Pet9, Pga52, Phr2, Plb3, Png2, Prx1, Pyc2, Rbt1, Rhd3, Sah1, Sur7, Tos1, Xyl2 7: Ade17, Als2, Bat22, Hom2, Orf19.4211, Pir1, Plb1 75: Asm3, Cdc3, Cka1, Cka2, Cmp1, Csh1, Cyb5, Ece1, Ecm331, Ena21, Erg11, Erg3, Erg4, Erg6, Erg9, Fas1, Fas2, Frp3, Fum12, Gal1, Gal10, Gal7, Glc3, Gph1, Gst2, Hgt7, Hsp21, Hym1, Hyr1, Ifd6, Ife2, Lsc1, Lys21, Lys22, Met13, Met3, Mir1, Mis11, Ncp1, Ole1, Op4, Orf19.1239, Orf19.2269, Orf19.2286, Orf19.2452, Orf19.2473, Orf19.3475, Orf19.3932, Orf19.4476, Orf19.6553, Orf19.6554, Orf19.7310, Orf19.7459, Orf19.851, Pda1, Pdb1, Pdr16, Pfk1, Pfk2, Plb5, Pma1, Por1, Rct1, Rnr21, Rpl35, Scs7, Sds24, Snf1, Snz1, Svf1, Tub2, Ucf1, Vma8, Zpr1 59 127
Virulence related
 Phospholipases 3: Plb4.5, Plb2, Plb3 1: Plb1 2: Plc2, Plb5 4 5
 Sap proteins 4: Sap5, Sap7, Sap 9, Sap10. 1: Sap3 4: Sap2, Sap4, Sap6, Sap8 6 8
 Als proteins 1: Als3 1: Als2 1: Als1 2 2
 Proteins with a role in virulence according to CGD 12: Mnt1, Phr1, Het1, BglII, Rbt4, Rbt1, Asc1, Cdc42, Mnt2, Hex1, Kex2, Cat1 0 56: Hsp104, Nag1, Cdc3, Fas2, Vps21, Hxk1, Srv2, Rsr1, Mts1, Ras1, Tps1, Tps2, Alo1, Rvs161, Cdc10, Dac1, Arp2, Lap3, Kre5, Hsp21, Icl1, Ade5, Yhb1, Ade2, Gna1, Tpk2, Ftr1, Ssd1, Cka2, Mkc1, Orf19.3045, Ptc2, Met2, Nce103, Vtc4, Cmp1, Erg3, Nag6, Ura3, Slk19, Vps4, Orf19.3175, Och1, Ypt72, Csh3, Cek1, Pmt1, Pmt4, Bem1, Tcc1, Ssn6, Spf1, Pde2, Cla4, Mlt1, Spa2 12 68

ORF, open reading frame.


The protein is a translation elongation factor.


The protein is a translation release factor.


The protein is a tRNA synthetase or ligase.