Difference alignment of the target region of the 16S rRNA of Eikelboom type 021N isolates for various probes
Probe and organism or target | Target sequencea |
G1B | |
Target sequence (5′-3′) | GCAAGGAACUCGAACACA |
Type 021N group I | ------------------ |
Type 021N group II | UUCG-----G-U------ |
Type 021N group III | ---------CU-C----- |
T. nivea | UUCG-----A-UG----- |
T. unzii | UUCG-----A-U------ |
T. ramosa | UUCG-----A-U------ |
T. fructosivorans I | UUCG-----A-U------ |
T. fructosivorans Q | UUCG-----A-U------ |
T. defluvii | ---------CUAC----- |
G2M | |
Target sequence (5′-3′) | CUAAGGGGUCGGUGGUGC |
Type 021N group II | ------------------ |
Type 021N group I | ------A----------- |
Type 021N group III | U-U---AU--A------- |
T. nivea | U-U----U-U-------- |
T. unzii | UCU--A------------ |
T. ramosa | U-U----U-U-------G |
T. fructosivorans I | U-U--A-U-U-------G |
T. fructosivorans Q | U-U--A-U-U-------G |
T. defluvii | --U--AAU---------- |
G3M | |
Target sequence (5′-3′) | AUGGCAGGAAUCCCUGAG |
Type 021N group III | ------------------ |
Type 021N group I | ---U-GA-------GU-- |
Type 021N group IIb | ---UAGC-------GC-- |
T. eikelboomii AP3 | GA----C---AG-G--G- |
T. nivea | UC--A------A--A-U- |
T. unzii | UC--A-----CA--A-U- |
T. ramosa | GA----C---AG-G--G- |
T. fructosivorans I | G---AGCA------A--A |
T. fructosivorans Q | GA----C---AG-G--G- |
T. defluvii | ----U------------- |
G123T | |
Target sequence (5′-3′) | UGCAUAGAGAUCGGAAGG |
Type 021N group I | ------------------ |
Type 021N group II | ------------------ |
Type 021N group III | ------------------ |
T. nivea | ------------------ |
T. unzii | ------------------ |
T. ramosa | ------------------ |
T. fructosivorans I | ------------------ |
T. fructosivorans Q | ------------------ |
T. defluvii | ------------------ |
–, identical to the target sequence.
Except T. eikelboomii AP3.