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. 2022 Apr 27;10(3):e02292-21. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.02292-21


Clinical characteristics of patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infection compared by treatment groups

Characteristicsa Total n = 132 (%)b Cases n = 44 (% or IQR)b Controls n = 88 (% or IQR)b P value
Gender (male) 85 (64.49) 28 (63.6) 57 (64.8) 1.00
Age (yrs, median, IQR) 54 (41–65) 52 (37.2–61.7) 54.5 (41–67.5) 0.68
Comorbidities 47 (35.6) 15 (34.1) 32 (36.4) 0.84
 Chronic cardiac disease 18 (13.6) 3 (6.8) 15 (17) 0.17
 Diabetes mellitus 11 (8.3) 3 (6.8) 8 (9.1) 0.75
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 10 (7.6) 1 (2.3) 9 (10.2) 0.16
 Chronic liver disease 7 (5.3) 2 (4.5) 5 (5.7) 1.00
 Chronic kidney disease 4 (3) 2 (4.5) 5 (5.7) 0.60
Hematologic malignancy        
 Acute myeloid leukemia 67 (50.8) 24 (54.5) 43 (48.9) 0.58
 Acute lymphoid leukemia 15 (11.4) 6 (13.6) 9 (10.2) 0.57
 Lymphoproliferative disorder 36 (27.3) 10 (22.7) 26 (29.5) 0.53
 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 5 (3.8) 2 (4.5) 3 (3.4) 1.00
 Multiple myeloma 5 (3.8) 1 (2.3) 4 (4.5) 0.66
 Other 4 (3) 1 (2.3) 3 (3.4) 1.00
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) 49 (37.1) 17 (38.6) 32 (36.4) 0.79
Type of HSCT
 Autologous HSCT 3 (6.2) 0 (0) 3 (9.7) 0.54
 Allogeneic HSCT 45 (91.8) 17 (100) 28 (87.5) 0.54
 Graft-versus-host disease 14 (32.6) 6 (40) 8 (28.6) 0.50
Uncontrolled disease 55 (45.5) 19 (45.2) 36 (45.6) 0.97
High-risk MASCC score (<21 points) 90 (75.6) 33 (75) 57 (76) 1.00
Profound neutropenia (<0.1 × 109) 84 (64.1) 31 (70.5) 53 (60.9) 0.340 
Duration of neutropenia prior to infection (days, median, IQR) 7 (2–15) 8 (2–16) 7 (3–15) 0.910
Duration of neutropenia after infection (days, median, IQR) 5 (2–12) 8 (4–19) 4 (2–9) 0.080
Prior fluoroquinolone prophylaxis (1 mo) 53 (40.2) 25 (56.8) 28 (31.8) 0.006
Prior antibiotic therapy (1 mo) 106 (80.9) 36 (81.8) 79 (80.5) 1.000
Previous corticosteroid therapy (1 mo) 78 (60) 23 (52.3) 55 (64) 0.256
Prior hospital admission (3 mo) 84 (64.1) 31 (70.5) 53 (60.9) 0.337
Prior ICU admission (3 mo) 19 (14.4) 9 (20.5) 10 (11.4) 0.192
Nosocomial acquisition  126 (95.5) 44 (100) 82 (93.2) 0.18
Source of BSI        
 Endogenous source 47 (35.6) 13 (29.5) 34 (38.6) 0.40
 Pneumonia 34 (25.8) 9 (20.5) 25 (28.4) 0.401
 Intravascular catheter infection 14 (10.6) 3 (6.8) 11 (12.5) 0.384
 Skin and soft tissue infection 9 (6.8) 5 (11.4) 4 (4.5) 0.15
 Urinary tract infection 8 (6.1) 5 (11.4) 3 (3.4) 0.116
 Perianal infection 7 (5.3) 3 (6.8) 4 (4.5) 0.686
 Mucositis 4 (3) 1 (2.3) 3 (3.4) 1.000
 Neutropenic enterocolitis 4 (3) 1 (2.3) 3 (3.4) 1.000
 Other  6 (4.5)  4 (9.1)  2 (2.3)  0.09
High-risk BSI 68 (51.5) 25 (56.8) 43 (48.9) 0.461
Polymicrobial BSI 6 (4.6) 2 (4.5) 4 (4.5) 1.000
Septic shock at presentation 42 (32.1) 13 (29.5) 29 (33.3) 0.697
Gangrenous ecthyma 10 (7.6) 8 (18.2) 2 (2.3) 0.002
Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa 120 (90.9) 40 (90.9) 80 (90.9) 1.000
Extensively resistant P. aeruginosa 44 (33.3) 15 (34.1) 29 (33) 0.89

BSI, bloodstream infection; MASCC, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer.


Qualitative data are expressed as numbers (%), unless otherwise indicated, and quantitative data are expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD) or median and interquartile range (IQR; 25th to 75th percentiles), as appropriate.