Fig. 2. Optical, infrared and radio images of the field of FRB 20190520B.
In each case, the box is 40″ in size and the 2″ crosshairs indicate the best FRB position at RA = 16 h 02 min 04.272 s, dec. = −11° 17′ 17.32″ (J2000). North is up and east is to the left. a, An optical R′-band image obtained by CFHT MegaCam covers 5,427–7,041 Å, including redshifted Hβ 4,861 Å, [O III]4.959 Å and [O III]5,007 Å emission lines from the host galaxy. The bright streak in the lower left is an artefact caused by a bright star outside the field of view. The inset shows the host galaxy in a 5″ region centred on the FRB position, as indicated by the yellow circle (0.1″ radius, corresponding to the 1σ position uncertainty). b, The infrared J-band image by Subaru/MOIRCS shows emission only at the location of the peak of the optical light profile of the host galaxy. The inset is a 5″ region matching the inset in a. c, The radio VLA image (2–4 GHz) shows a compact persistent source at the FRB location. The synthesized beam is shown as an ellipse of size (0.92″ × 0.47″) in the left corner.