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. 2022 Jun 16;9:861307. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.861307


Primary and secondary outcomes in patients treated with catheter-directed therapies (CDT) and systemic thrombolysis (ST).

Outcome No of studies Events/participants Events Heterogeneity between trials P-value for differences across groups

CDT group ST group OR 95% CI P-value I2 statistic
 In-hospital mortality 7 1,635/25,442 (6.4%) 6,279/39,563 (15.9%) 0.40 0.30–0.55 <0.001 79% <0.001
 28-d/30-d mortality 4 59/806 (7.3%) 220/1,617 (13.6%) 0.51 0.38–0.69 0.30 18% <0.001
 90-d mortality 2 4/66 (6.1%) 7/72 (9.7%) 0.66 0.19–2.28 0.61 0% 0.51
 RCT 1 4/36 (11.1%) 6/43 (14.0%) 0.77 0.20–2.98 NA NA 0.71
 Non-RCT 1 0/30 (0.0%) 1/29 (3.4%) 0.31 0.01–7.96 NA NA 0.48
 1-yr mortality 2 82/731 (11.9%) 293/1,523 (19.4%) 0.46 0.24–0.87 0.11 61% 0.02
Hospital resources
 ICU admission 2 29/44 (65.9%) 43/74 (58.1%) 2.60 0.15–44.78 0.06 72% 0.51
 Invasive mechanical ventilation 2 129/2,088 (6.2%) 652/3,420 (19.1%) 0.59 0.10–3.31 0.002 90% 0.55
 ECLS application 2 117/22,364 (0.5%) 70/33,597 (0.2%) 2.52 1.88–3.39 0.54 0% <0.001
 IVC filter insertion 3 5/62 (8.1%) 7/182 (3.9%) 1.94 0.61–6.14 0.20 39% 0.26
 Acute myocardial infarction 1 963/22,336 (4.3%) 2,010/33,553 (5.9%) 0.71 0.65–0.77 NA NA <0.001
 Acute kidney injury 2 3,157/22,688 (13.9%) 7,700/34,722 (22.2%) 1.36 0.19–9.82 0.003 89% 0.76
 Complete heart block 1 65/22,336 (0.3%) 78/33,553 (0.2%) 1.25 0.90–1.74 NA NA 0.18
 Cardiac arrest 1 868/22,336 (3.9%) 3,764/33,553 (11.2%) 0.32 0.30–0.35 NA NA <0.001
 Stroke 1 583/22,336 (2.6%) 1,982/33,553 (5.9%) 0.43 0.39–0.47 NA NA <0.001
 30-day readmission 1 144/2,060 (6.9%) 323/3,376 (9.6%) 0.71 0.58–0.87 NA NA 0.001
 Any bleeding complication 5 112/822 (13.6%) 156/1,647 (9.5%) 1.51 1.16–1.96 0.63 0% 0.002
 Any major bleeding 3 2,911/24,424 (11.9%) 6,447/36,973 (17.4%) 0.61 0.53–0.70 0.17 44% <0.001
 Intracranial hemorrhage 5 182/25,479 (0.7%) 801/39,621 (0.1%) 0.56 0.24–1.30 <0.001 83% 0.18
 Gastrointestinal bleed 3 188/2,791 (6.7%) 445/4,899 (9.1%) 0.96 0.41–2.26 <0.001 88% 0.92
 Hemoptysis 1 17/632 (2.7%) 14/1,283 (1.1%) 2.51 1.23–5.12 NA NA 0.01
 RBC transfusion 5 2,328/24,894 (9.6%) 5,587/38,388 (14.6%) 0.54 0.37–0.79 0.05 57% 0.002

CI, confidence interval; ECMO, extracorporeal life support; ICU, intensive care unit; IVA, inferior vena cava; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio; RBC, red blood cell.

Statistically significant differences are marked bold.