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. 2022 Jun 24;79(7):379. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04397-w

Table 2.

Bioactive molecules in human platelet lysate (HPL) with diverse roles in brain repair and neurogenesis

HPL bioactive factors Reported biological effects Experimental model References
Growth factors, cytokines BDNF Supports NSC proliferation, migration, and differentiation Neuronal precursors [75, 76]
Favors synaptic plasticity and facilitates synapse maturation Neuronal precursors [77, 78]
Supports hippocampal neurogenesis In rodents [79, 80]
EGF Induces NSC proliferation and migration NSC culture [81]
Supports cortical tissue regeneration and motor function recovery In vivo stroke model [8284]
FGF Promotes proliferation and differentiation of NSCs Cell culture and in vivo [85]
Stimulates neurogenesis Focal ischemia model in rats [82, 86]
Regulates Schwann cell proliferation, axonal growth, and remyelination Nerve injury in mice [87]
GSN Inhibits apoptosis and is neuroprotective in murine stroke Hippocampal neuron culture, in vivo stroke model [88, 89]
HGF Protects dopaminergic neurons, motor neurons, and sympathetic neurons Neuron culture [90, 91]
IGF Promotes NSC growth and differentiation, stimulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis, has neuroprotective activity Neuronal cell culture, in vivo administration [31, 9295]
LGALS1 Prevents microglial activation and promotes neuroprotection Culture of microglia and astrocytes; in mice [96, 97]
Promotes astrocyte maturation but inhibits proliferation In vitro cell culture [98]
MANF Protects rat embryonic nigral dopaminergic neurons Rat model of PD [99]
Is neuroprotective and neurorestorative Rat model of PD [100]
Supports the development and sprouting of dopaminergic axonal terminals In vitro cell culture [99]
Decreases stress and activates the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway In vitro cell culture [101]
Activates the PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway and Nrf2 nuclear translocation In vitro [102]
Inhibits apoptosis In vitro cell culture [103]
Inhibits autophagic via activation of the AMPK/mTOR pathway and ameliorates ROS by maintaining mitochondrial function In vitro cell culture [104]
NENF Promotes neurotrophic activity and neuronal cell proliferation and stimulates differentiation Mouse neural precursor cells [105]
Is a novel player in the maintenance of the anxiety circuitry Neudesin-null mice [106]
PDGF Regulates NSC proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival processes, and reduces apoptosis Cultured NSCs [107, 108]
Protects cells against MPP+-induced cell death SH-SY5Y cell culture [109]
Has restorative effects Rodent model of PD [110, 111]
PF4 Promotes neuronal differentiation in DBA/2 mice Mouse primary cells and in vivo infusion [112]
TGF-β Triggers differentiation of precursor cells In vitro and in vivo mouse mesencephalic progenitors [113]
VEGF Promotes proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, and the formation of new blood vessels in vivo, and enhances vascular permeability In vitro endothelial cell culture [114]
Slows progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mice by stimulating motoneuron functions Rat model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [115, 116]
Protects cultured motoneurons against death in conditions of hypoxia, oxidative stress, and serum deprivation Neuronal cell culture [117, 118]
Exerts protective effects on primary hippocampal neurons against glutamate toxicity In vitro neuronal culture [119]
Chemicals Vit B12 Prevents cognitive decline Clinical trials [120, 121]
Serotonin Modulates neural activity Ex vivo using rat brains [122]
Chemokines RANTES Can be neuroprotective Primary cortical neuron culture, AD and stroke models [123, 124]
Contributes to neuronal synaptic activity and memory formation Primary neuron culture and WT and CCL5-/- mice [125, 126]
Reduces neuronal degeneration and memory dysfunction after mTBI Primary neuron culture, mTBI mouse model [127]
MIF Mediates neuroprotective effects in Parkinson’s disease Mouse model of PD, SH-SY5Y in vitro model of PD [128]
Antioxidants CAT Protects against dopaminergic neuronal cell death Mesencephalic neuronal–glial culture, rat stroke model [129, 130]
CP Inhibits lipid peroxidation and ROS CP−/− mouse model [131]
Exerts protective activity against iron-induced oxidative damage in Alzheimer’s disease and TBIs CP −/−, AD, focal cortical contusion injury mouse models [131133]
GPX Protects mammalian cells against oxidative damage Human cell line cultures [134]
Is protective in Huntington’s disease models (inhibits the activity of ROS-producing enzymes) In vitro cell culture and Drosophila Huntington’s disease model [135]
SOD Inhibits lipid peroxidation, is neuroprotective In vitro primary cultured cortical neurons and rat stroke model [130, 136, 137]
Trx (TXN)

Protects against oxidative stress-associated diseases

Modulates microtubule polymerization kinetics in vivo

PC12 cell culture [138, 139]
Is involved in cell–cell communication, transcriptional regulation, cell signaling, and DNA synthesis Focal brain ischemia in rats [140]
Exerts a cytoprotective effect in the nervous system RASMC and raw cell culture [141]
GCLM Is associated with glutathione synthesis In vivo [142, 143]
Interleukins TIMP-1 Regulates neuroinflammation and neuropathic pain In vivo in mice and rats [144147]
Modulates astrocyte function and myelination In vivo [148, 149]
IL-4 Has anti-inflammatory properties Human monocytes, murine bone marrow-derived macrophage culture [150]
Platelet-EVs GFs Stimulates angiogenesis and neurogenesis Rat ischemia model [151]
miR-126-3p Exerts anti-inflammatory effects Primary human macrophages [152]

AMPK Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, AD Alzheimer disease, BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor, CAT catalase, CCL5 CC chemokine ligand 5, CP ceruloplasmin, EGF epidermal growth factor, EV extracellular vesicle, FGF fibroblast growth factor, GAL-1 or LGALS1 galectin 1, gsn gelsolin, GCLM glutamate-cysteine ligase regulatory subunit, GPX glutathione peroxidase, GSK3β glycogen synthase kinase 3β, GF growth factor, HGF hepatocyte growth factor, IGF‐1 insulin‐like growth factor‐1, MANF mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor, MIF macrophage migration inhibitory factor, mTOR mammalian target of rapamycin, mTBI mild traumatic brain injury, MPP myelin protein peripheral, NSC neural stem cell, NENF neuron-derived neurotrophic factor or neudesin, Nrf2 nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor, PI3K phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, PD Parkinson’s disease, PDGF platelet-derived growth factor, ROS reactive oxygen species, SOD superoxide dismutase, TIMP-1 tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1, TXN thioredoxin, TGF-β transforming growth factor β, WT wild type