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. 2022 Jun 30;23:41. doi: 10.1186/s12868-022-00723-x

Table 1.

Results of Friedman ANOVA testing the main effect of TIME, of Wilcoxon Test for main effects of PROTOCOL and acuteEXERCISE in columns, different variables are listed in rows

Time Protocol (INT vs. CON) INT1 vs CON1
p Chi2 p Z p Z
Lactate (mmol/l) 0 km/h 0.001* 18.400 0.686 0.405 0.463 0.734
3 km/h 0.001* 18.400 0.917 0.105 0.028 2.201
6 km/h 0.006 14.267 0.225 1.214 0.917 0.105
9 km/h 0.008 13.733 0.345 0.943 0.028* 2.201
HEART RATE (beats/min) 0 km/h 0.000* 27.571 0.917 0.105 0.075 1.782
                                          3 km/h 0.000* 26.143 0.345 0.943 0.075 1.782
                                          6 km/h 0.002* 26.071 0.753 0.314 0.249 1.153
                                          9 km/h 0.005* 18.786 0.075 1.782 0.028* 2.201
VO2 peak 0.106 7.630 1.000 0.000 0.046* 1.992
RER 0.003* 16.370 0.875 0.157 0.046* 1.992
Time Protocol (INT vs. CON) Exercise (pre vs. post) INT1 vs CON1
p Chi2 p Z p Z p Z
PANAS positive affect 0.978 0.781 0.465 0.730 0.153 1.429 0.144 1.461
PANAS negative affect 0.649 3.333 n/A n7A 0.655 0.447 n/a n/a
MOODMETER PEPS 0.822 2.192 0.594 0.533 0.973 0.034 0.249 1.153
                         PSYCHO 0.069 10.226 0.308 1.019 0.085 1.724 0.893 0.135
                         MOT 0.270 6.389 0.328 0.978 0.864 0.171 1.000 0.000
COGNITION MPT Reaction time 0.008 15.714 0.753 0.314 0.028* 2.201 0.893 0,135
                      VOLT Reaction time 0.005 17.000 0.249 1.153 0.028* 2.201 0.893 0.135
                      VOLT Accuracy 0.776 2.500 0.173 1.363 0.529 0.629 0.201 1.278
                     NBACK Accuracy 0.531 4.129 0.590 0.539 0.753 0.314 0.500 0.674
                     NBACK Reaction time 0.093 9.428 0.753 0.314 0.753 0.314 0.500 0.674
                     AIM Accuracy 0.937 1.280 0.787 0.270 0.787 0.270 0.893 0.135
                     LOT Accuracy 0.705 2.971 0.686 0.405 0.600 0.524 0.917 0.105
                    LOT Reaction time 0.040 11.629 0.463 0.734 0.463 0.734 0.345 0.943
                   ERT Accuracy 0.055 10.823 0.834 0.210 0.173 1.363 0.917 0.105
                   ERT Reaction time 0.001* 21.229 0.753 0.314 0.753 0.314 0.753 0.314
                  MRT Accuracy 0.096 9.335 0.418 0.809 0.600 0.524 0.686 0.405
                  DSST Accuracy 0.815 2.238 0.068 1.826 0.173 1.363 1.000 0.000
                  DSST Reaction Time 0.001* 21.800 0.600 0.524 0.249 1.153 0.600 0.524
                  PVT Lapses 0.472 4.558 0.423 0.802 0.500 0.674 0.180 1.342
                  PVT Reaction time 0.709 2.943 0.028* 2.201 0.249 1.153 0.249 1.153
BDNF [ng/ml] 0.217 7.048 0.084 1.726 0.440 0.771 0.116 1.572
IGF-1 [ng/ml] 0.015 14.095 0.003* 2.981 0.052 1.943 0.753 0.314
VEGF [pg/ml] 0.115 8.857 0.347 0.941 0.076 1.771 0.600 0.524
CORTISOL (ng/ml) 08:00 0.167 7.810 0.583 0.549 0.116 1.571 0.345 0.943
                               10:00 0.303 6.029 0.272 1.098 0.668 0.429 0.173 1.363
                               12:00 0.050 11.048 0.272 1.098 0.819 0.229 0.600 0.524
                               14:00 0.239 6.762 0.388 0.863 0.331 0.971 0.463 0.734
                               16:00 0.162 7.905 0.433 0.784 1.000 0.000 0.345 0.943
                               18:00 0.796 2.371 0.583 0.549 0.819 0.229 0.463 0.734
                               20:00 0.293 6.143 0.347 0.941 0.407 0.829 0.028* 2.201
                               22:00 0.470 4.571 0.695 0.392 0.605 0.517 0.080 1.753
         Area under the curve (AUC) 0.167 7.810 0.345 0.943 0.753 0.314
STEPS per day 0.127 5.700

Values reaching level of significance (p < 0.05; Bonferroni corrected for main effects of TIME p < 0.003 or p< 0.005 for lactate and heat rate) are indicated in red.