Table 2.
Search strategies for each database
Database | Search strategy (26 April 2021–9 May 2021) |
OVID Medline |
1 Hyperthermia, Induced/or Steam bath/or hypertherm$.mp. or oncotherm$.mp. or thermotherap$.mp. or ((hot or heat) adj1 (therap$ or treatment or medical or pack or bath or immers$)).mp. or (fever adj1 therap$).mp. or (capacitive adj1 coupling).mp, 2 Exp neoplasms/or neoplasm$.mp or cancer$.mp. or tumo?r$.mp. or malignan$.mp. or oncolog$.mp. or carcinom$.mp. or leuk? or lymphom$.mp. or sarcom$.mp. or preneoplas$.mp. or exp Precancerous Conditions/or precancer$.mp 3 1 AND 2 4 Limit 3 to English or limit 3 to German 5 (4 and humans/) or (4 not animals/) 6 (((comprehensive* or integrative or systematic*) adj3 (bibliographic* or review* or literature)) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly* or "research synthesis" or ((information or data) adj3 synthesis) or (data adj2 extract*))).ti,ab. or (cinahl or (cochrane adj3 trial*) or embase or medline or psyclit or (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") or pubmed or scopus or "sociological abstracts" or "web of science" or central).ab. or ("cochrane database of systematic reviews" or evidence report technology assessment or evidence report technology assessment summary).jn. or Evidence Report: Technology Assessment*.jn. or network adj1 analy*.ti,ab.) or (((review adj5 (rationale or evidence)).ti,ab. and or meta-analysis as topic/or 7 Randomized controlled or controlled clinical or randomi?ed.ti,ab.or placebo.ti,ab. or drug or randomly.ti,ab. or trial?.ti,ab. or group?.ti,ab 8 5 AND (6 OR 7) 9 5 NOT 8 |
OVID Embase |
1 Hyperthermia/or Experimental Hyperthermia/or Thermotherapy/or Pyrotherpy/or hypertherm$.mp. or oncotherm$.mp. or thermotherap$.mp. or ((hot or heat) adj1 (therap$ or treatment or medical or pack or bath or immers$)).mp. or (fever adj1 therap$).mp. or (capacitive adj1 coupling).mp 2 Exp neoplasms/or neoplasm$.mp or cancer$.mp. or tumo?r$.mp. or malignan$.mp. or oncolog$.mp. or carcinom$.mp. or leuk? or lymphom$.mp. or sarcom$.mp. or preneoplas$.mp. or exp Precancerous Conditions/or precancer$.mp 3 1 AND 2 4 Limit 3 to English or limit 3 to German 5 (4 and humans/) or (4 not animals/) 6 ((((comprehensive* or integrative or systematic*) adj3 (bibliographic* or review* or literature)) or (meta-analy* or metaanaly* or "research synthesis" or ((information or data) adj3 synthesis) or (data adj2 extract*))).ti,ab. or (cinahl or (cochrane adj3 trial*) or embase or medline or psyclit or (psycinfo not "psycinfo database") or pubmed or scopus or "sociological abstracts" or "web of science" or central).ab. or ("cochrane database of systematic reviews" or evidence report technology assessment or evidence report technology assessment summary).jn. or Evidence Report: Technology Assessment*.jn. or (network adj1 analy*).ti,ab.) or (exp Meta Analysis/or ((data extraction.ab. or selection criteria.ab.) and 7 Crossover procedure/or double blind procedure/or randomized controlled trial/or single blind procedure/or (random$ or factorial$ or crossover$ or (cross adj1 over$) or placebo$ or (doubl$ adj1 blind$) or (singl$ adj1 blind$) or assign$ or allocat$ or volunteer$).ti,ab,de 8 5 AND (6 OR 7) 9 5 NOT 8 |
Cochrane |
#1 [mh ^”Hyperthermia, Induced”] or [mh ^”Steam bath”] or hypertherm* or oncotherm* or thermotherap* or ((hot or heat) NEXT (therap* or treatment or medical or pack or bath or immers*)) or (fever NEXT therap*) or “capacitive coupling” #2 [mh neoplasms] or neoplasm* or cancer? or tum*r? or malignan* or oncolog* or carcinom* or leuk*mia or lymphoma? or sarcoma? or precancer* or preneoplas* #3 #1 AND #2 |
S1 DE Hyperthermia or TX (hypertherm* or oncotherm* or thermotherap* or ((hot or heat) N1 (therap* or treatment or medical or pack or bath or immers*)) or (fever N1 therap*) or “capacitive coupling”) S2 ((DE "Neoplasms" OR DE "Benign Neoplasms" OR DE "Breast Neoplasms" OR DE "Endocrine Neoplasms" OR DE "Leukemias" OR DE "Melanoma" OR DE "Metastasis" OR DE "Nervous System Neoplasms" OR DE "Terminal Cancer") OR (TX neoplasm* OR TX cancer OR TX tumo#r OR TX malignan* OR DE „oncology “ OR TX oncolog* OR TX carcinom* OR TX leuk#emia OR TX lymphoma OR TX sarcoma OR TX precancer* OR TX preneoplas*)) S3 LA (English OR German) S4 S1 AND S2 AND S3 S5 ((comprehensive* OR integrative OR systematic*) N3 (bibliographic* OR review* OR literature)) OR (meta-analy* or metaanaly* or "research synthesis" OR ((information OR data) N3 synthesis) OR (data N2 extract*)) OR ((review N5 (rationale OR evidence)) AND DE "Literature Review") OR (AB(cinahl OR (cochrane N3 trial*) OR embase OR medline OR psyclit OR pubmed OR scopus OR "sociological abstracts" OR "web of science" OR central)) OR DE "Meta Analysis" OR (network N1 analy*) S6 DE "Treatment Effectiveness Evaluation" OR DE "Treatment Outcomes" OR DE "Psychotherapeutic Outcomes" OR DE "Placebo" or DE "Followup Studies" OR placebo* OR random* OR "comparative stud*" OR (clinical N3 trial*) OR (research N3 design) OR (evaluat* N3 stud*) OR (prospectiv* N3 stud*) OR ((singl* OR doubl* OR trebl* OR tripl*) N3 (blind* OR mask*) S7 S4 AND (S5 OR S6) S8 S4 NOT S7 |
S1 MH “Hyperthermia, Induced” or TX (hypertherm* or oncotherm* or thermotherap* or ((hot or heat) N1 (therap* or treatment or medical or pack or bath or immers*)) or (fever N1 therap*) or “capacitive coupling”) S2 (MH "Neoplasms + " OR TX neoplasm* OR TX cancer OR TX tumo#r OR TX malignan* OR TX oncolog* OR TX carcinom* OR TX leuk#emia OR TX lymphoma OR TX sarcoma OR MH "Precancerous Conditions + " OR TX precancer* OR TX preneoplas*) (zusammen 1118) S3 (LA German OR LA English) S4 S1 AND S2 AND S3 S5 (TI (systematic* n3 review*)) or (AB (systematic* n3 review*)) or (TI (systematic* n3 bibliographic*)) or (AB (systematic* n3 bibliographic*)) or (TI (systematic* n3 literature)) or (AB (systematic* n3 literature)) or (TI (comprehensive* n3 literature)) or (AB (comprehensive* n3 literature)) or (TI (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*)) or (AB (comprehensive* n3 bibliographic*)) or (TI (integrative n3 review)) or (AB (integrative n3 review)) or (JN “Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”) or (TI (information n2 synthesis)) or (TI (data n2 synthesis)) or (AB (information n2 synthesis)) or (AB (data n2 synthesis)) or (TI (data n2 extract*)) or (AB (data n2 extract*)) or (TI (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not “psycinfo database”) or “web of science” or scopus or embase)) or (AB (medline or pubmed or psyclit or cinahl or (psycinfo not “psycinfo database”) or “web of science” or scopus or embase or central)) or (MH “Systematic Review”) or (MH “Meta Analysis”) or (TI (meta-analy* or metaanaly*)) or (AB (meta-analy* or metaanaly*)) or TI (network analy*) or AB (network analy*) S6 (MH "Clinical Trials + ") or PT Clinical trial or TX clinic* n1 trial* or TX ( (singl* n1 blind*) or (singl* n1 mask*)) or TX ((doubl* n1 blind*) or (doubl* n1 mask*)) or TX ( (tripl* n1 blind*) or (tripl* n1 mask*)) or TX ((trebl* n1 blind*) or (trebl* n1 mask*)) or TX randomi* control* trial* or (MH "Random Assignment") or TX random* allocat* or TX placebo* or MH "Placebos") or MH "Quantitative Studies") or TX allocat* random* S7 S4 AND (S5 OR S6) S8 S4 NOT S7 |