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. 2022 Jun 29;12(6):e060205. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060205

Table 2.

Maternal and obstetrical characteristics of the cohort 2018–2019

Variable PER total PER urban PER rural
n=14 527 n=9435 (65%) n=5092 (35%)
Age (years) median (IQR) 27 (23–32) 28 (23–33) 26 (22–31)
Living with HIV at pregnancy outcome 3931 (27.1) 3241 (34.3) 690 (13.6)
Obstetric ultrasound present n (%) 5583 (38.4) 4063 (43.1) 1520 (29.9)
Early ultrasound (ie, <22 weeks) n (% of ultrasound) 3345 (59.9) 2393 (58.9) 952 (62.6)
Potentially unsafe medicine exposure 1287 (9.0) 857 (9.3) 430 (8.5)
Gestational age at birth (weeks) median (IQR) 40 (37–40) 40 (36–40) 39 (35–40)
Birth weight (g) median (IQR) 3100 (2750–3440) 3140 (2800–3480) 2975 (2575–3320)
Low birth weight* n (%) 1736 (12.0) 879 (9.3) 857 (16.8)
Premature birth† n(%) 2949 (20.3) 1735 (18.4) 1214 (23.8)
Pregnancy outcome n (%)
 Live birth 12 419 (85.5) 1189 (82.3) 4630 (90.9)
 Stillbirth 296 (2.0) 180 (1.9) 116 (2.3)
 Neonatal death‡ 109 (0.8) 71 (0.5) 36 (0.7)
 Miscarriage 395 (2.7) 318 (3.4) 77 (1.5)
 Ectopic pregnancy 82 (0.6) 60 (0.6) 22 (0.4)
 Termination of pregnancy 273 (1.9) 223 (2.4) 50 (1.0)
 Unknown 953 (6.6) 792 (8.4) 161 (3.1)
Delivery method§ n(%)
 Born before arrival at birthing facility 608 (4.7) 245 (3.1) 363 (7.6)
 Vaginal delivery 7587 (59.2) 4655 (57.9) 2932 (61.3)
 Assisted delivery¶ 140 (1.1) 51 (0.6) 89 (1.9)
 Caesarean section 3416 (26.6) 2411 (30.0) 1005 (21.0)
 Unknown 1073 (8.4) 680 (8.5) 393 (8.2)
Infant outcome§ n(%)
 Stillborn 296 (2.3) 180 (2.2) 116 (2.4)
 Early neonatal death‡ 80 (0.6) 55 (0.7) 25 (0.5)
 Late neonatal death 29 (0.2) 18 (0.2) 11 (0.2)
 Alive 12 419 (96.8) 7798 (96.9) 4630 (96.8)
Tobacco use** n(%)
 Current user 1297 (8.9) 87 (0.9) 1210 (23.8)
 Past user 55 (0.4) 13 (0.1) 42 (0.8)
 Never user 9997 (68.8) 7222 (76.5) 2775 (54.5)
 Not reported 3178 (21.9) 2113 (14.5) 1065 (7.3)
Alcohol use** n(%)
 Current user 588 (4.1) 339 (3.6) 249 (4.9)
 Past user 167 (1.2) 66 (0.7) 101 (2.0)
 Never user 10 570 (72/8) 6885 (73.0) 3685 (72.4)
 Not reported 3202 (22.0) 2145 (14.8) 1057 (7.3)

*Birthweight <2500 g; liveborn infants only.

†Birth <37 completed weeks gestation; liveborn infants only.

‡Neonatal death: death before 28 days of life; early neonatal death: death before 7 days of life; late neonatal death: death between 8 and 28 days of life.

§Viable pregnancies (ie, >27 weeks gestation) (n=12 824).

¶Forceps or vacuum delivery.

**Reported at first antenatal visit.

PER, Pregnancy Exposure Registry.