Fig. 5. Validation of EIDD-1931 drug interactions affecting %Cytotoxicity.
Surface plots of EIDD-1931 interactions with remdesivir (RDV), baricitinib (BRT) and masitinib (MST), in the validation interaction space, clinically actionable interaction space (black, solid line border) and the interaction space from the IDentif.AI-x analysis (black, dotted line border), based on the experimentation in Vero E6 cells (a–c), THLE-2 (d–f) and AC16 (g–i). a–i All experiments were performed with N = 3 to 4 replicates, which were independently included in the surface construction. Black, round markers indicate an average %Cytotoxicity of the replicates for each data point. Adjusted R2 (Adj R2) indicates goodness of the fit for each interaction surface.