S-map estimates of first-order partial derivatives (Jacobian elements) quantify the state-dependent nature of interactions among phosphorus, CHL, and DO under reoligotrophication. (A) Effect of phosphorus on CHL. Positive values of indicate that an increase in TPlake leads to an increase in CHL. At high levels of TPlake (e.g., 1980s when TPlake > 60 µg⋅L−1), the mean annual effect of TPlake on CHL was essentially zero. There is little evidence of phosphorus ( ∼ 0) until the TPlake concentration drops below 40 µg⋅L−1. (B) S-map analysis finds the effect of CHL on DO changes with reoligotrophication (TPlake concentration). Negative values of show that, as expected, a decrease in CHL is usually associated with increased water quality (increased DOB). However, this is not always true, and at higher TPlake, the average effect of additional CHL is essentially zero.