Figure 5. Enhancement of the vascular tone by TRV120055.
A, C, E, and G, Representative recordings of mesenteric artery diameter during a series of pressure steps from 20 to 100 mm Hg in 20 mm Hg increments in control conditions (+Ca2+), TRV120055 100 nmol/L (A), SII 100 nmol/L (C), TRV120027 100 nmol/L (E), FR900359 1 µmol/L (G) and in Ca2+‐free solution. B, D, F, and H, Average myogenic constriction of mesenteric arteries in drug‐free physiological saline solution and in PSS containing 100 nmol/L TRV120055 (B), 100 nmol/L SII (D), TRV120027 100 nmol/L (F) and 1 µmol/L FR900359 (H) (n=6, 4, 5 and 4, respectively, each from individual mice). I and J, Response to Ang II in MA in drug‐free PSS and PSS in presence of FR900359 at 80 mm Hg (n=6 each from individual mice). *P<0.05. Ang II indicates angiotensin II; n.s. indicates not significant; and SII, Sar1Ile4Ile8‐angiotensin.