(A) Modelling the growth of nucleus, coupled to the dynamics of the astral microtubule structure. Building blocks for nuclear envelope (NE) are actively transported by dynein motors along the astral microtubules surrounding the nucleus. Filaments in the aster grow by incorporating tubulins from the cytoplasmic pool. (B) Dynamics of nucleus size (normalised radius Rn) and single microtubule length (normalised). (Inset) Nucleus size decreases with increasing nuclei number in a given volume, in agreement with in vitro data [48]. (C) Effect of the size of confinement, Rsys, on nucleus size Rn, where Rn increases with increasing Rsys, eventually saturating for large Rsys. Solid line is model fit, and black triangles represent experimental data [48]. The confinement radius was increased while keeping the confinement volume constant, as in experiments [48]. (D) Scaling of nucleus volume, Vn, with cell volume Vcell. Theory predicts that size scaling is quadratic if Vn is controlled by the growth of NE, but the scaling is linear if Vn is regulated by NP assembly. The linear scaling fits quantitatively with the nucleus-to-cell size scaling measured in an eukaryotic cell [10]. Parameters: NE subunit concentration = 8.0 μm−3, α = 0, β = 1, NE subunit size (δA) = 0.215 μm2, k+(NE) = 5 × 10−3
μm3min−1, k−(NE) = 10−1min−1, NP subunit concentration = 0.75 μm−3, NP subunit size (δV) = 0.1 μm3, k+(NP) = 2.0 μm3min−1, k−(NP) = 10−3 min−1, MT subunit concentration ≃ 0.67 μM, MT subunit size (δL) = 5 nm,
μm3min−1, min−1.