Fig 4. Pants exerts an age-dependent, overdominant, negative effect on hippocampal Mossy Fiber LTP.
A) Frequency Facilitation at mossy fibers from acute hippocampal slices at 8 and 16 weeks of age (n = 5). B) electrode placement for mossy fiber LTP measurement. C) Paired-pulse facilitation at MF synapses at 8 and 16 weeks of age (n = 5). D) 100 Hz LTP recorded at MF synapses from 8 week old (left), and 16 week old (right) Pants+/+(black), Pants+/- (dark green), and Pants-/- (light green) acute hippocampal slices. 8 week (n = 6 mice, 18 slices for Pants+/+, n = 10 mice, 30 slices for Pants+/-, and n = 5 mice, 15 slices for Pants-/-. All P > 0.503). 16 week (n = 4 mice, 18 slices for Pants+/+, n = 5 mice, 18 slices for Pants+/-, n = 5 mice, 19 slices for Pants-/-. P<0.001 for Pants+/+ vs. Pants+/-. P = 0.157 for Pants+/+ vs. Pants-/-. P<0.001 for Pants+/- vs. Pants-/-, Mann-Whitney).