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. 2022 Jun 30;17(6):e0269998. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269998

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of TCGA-BRCA level 3 cohort.

Characteristics Numbers of cases (%)
High 746(67.57)
Low 358(32.43)
<60 589(53.45)
> = 60 513(46.55)
Female 1090(98.73)
Male 12(1.09)
NA 2(0.18)
Histological type
Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma 790(71.56)
Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma 204(18.48)
Other 107(9.69)
NA 3(0.27)
Molecular subtype
Basal 142(12.86)
HER-2 67(6.07)
Lum A 422(38.22)
Lum B 194(17.57)
Normal 24(2.17)
NA 255(23.1)
Indeterminate 2(0.18)
Negative 239(21.65)
Positive 813(73.64)
NA 50(4.53)
Indeterminate 4(0.36)
Negative 345(31.25)
Positive 704(63.77)
NA 51(4.62)
Equivocal 180(16.3)
Indeterminate 12(1.09)
Negative 565(51.18)
Positive 164(14.86)
NA 183(16.58)
T classification
T1 281(25.45)
T2 640(57.97)
T3 138(12.5)
T4 40(3.62)
TX 3(0.27)
NA 2(0.18)
N classification
N0 516(46.74)
N1 367(33.24)
N2 120(10.87)
N3 79(7.16)
NX 20(1.81)
NA 2(0.18)
M classification
M0 917(83.06)
M1 22(1.99)
MX 163(14.76)
NA 2(0.18)
I 182(16.49)
II 626(56.7)
III 252(22.83)
IV 20(1.81)
X 14(1.27)
NA 10(0.91)
Lymph node status
No 28(2.54)
Yes 697(63.13)
NA 379(34.33)
Vital status
Deceased 155(14.04)
Living 947(85.78)
NA 2(0.18)
Sample type
Metastatic 7(0.63)
Primary tumor 1097(99.37)
Menopause status
Inde 34(3.08)
Peri 40(3.62)
Post 706(63.95)
Pre 231(20.92)
NA 93(8.42)
Margin status
Close 31(2.81)
Negative 922(83.51)
Positive 79(7.16)
NA 72(6.52)
Radiation therapy
NO 445(40.31)
YES 557(50.45)
NA 102(9.24)
Neoadjuvant treatment
No 1088(98.55)
Yes 13(1.18)
NA 3(0.27)
Targeted molecular therapy
NO 46(4.17)
YES 533(48.28)
NA 525(47.55)
Alive 933(85.83)
Dead 154(14.17)
Relapse-free 816(89.47)
Relapse 96(10.53)

Abbreviation: ER: estrogen receptor; PR: progesterone receptor; HER-2: human epidermal growth factor-2; T: tumor; M: metastasis; N: node; OS: overall survival; RFS: relapse-free survival; NA: not available.