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. 2022 Jun 16;9:848021. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.848021

Table 1.

Risk and protective factors of sudden cardiac death, in meta-analyses of observational studies.

Reference Risk/Protective factor Exposed/Unexposed as in included MA Protective/Risk factor or intervention K n/N Metric ES (95% CI) p-value PI include null value I2 SSE ESB LS sign CE CES CES2 (n > 1,000) AMSTAR 2 Quality
General population
Cheng (24) Early repolarization pattern (ERP) on ECG ERP or not Risk 19 1,125/
OR 4.76 (3.62, 6.26) 6.9 x 10−29 No 38.4% No NP Yes I IV I Moderate
Aune (25) Diabetes mellitus (DM) DM or not Risk 14 3,510/
RR 2.02 (1.81, 2.25) 4.54 x 10−37 No 0% No NP Yes I I I Moderate
Aune (26) Smoking Current smoker or not Risk 4 1,061/
RR 2.08 (1.70, 2.53) 4.85 x 10−13 No 17.5% No No Yes I I I Moderate
Aune (27) Physical activity Physically active or not Protective 8 1,193/
RR 0.52 (0.45, 0.60) 4.77 x 10−18 No 0% No NP Yes I I I Critically low
Rattanawong (28) Atrial fibrillation (AF) AF or not Risk 28 3,258/
RR 2.04 (1.76, 2.35) 2.83 x 10−22 No 43% Yes Yes Yes II II II High
Pan (29) Hypertension (HTN) HTN or not Risk 9 1,211/
RR 2.1 (1.71, 2.58) 1.89 x 10−12 No 56.7% No No Yes II II II Moderate
Cheng (30) Macrolides Used or not Risk 11 58,810/
RR 2.42 (1.60, 3.63) 2.34 x 10−5 Yes 85.4% No No Yes III NA III Moderate
Shi (31) Depression Depression or not Risk 4 2,399/
HR 1.98 (1.37, 2.88) 3.1 x 10−4 Yes 59% Yes Yes Yes III IV III Critically low
Chen (32) Body mass index (BMI) Overweight vs. normal BMI Risk 9 1,462/
RR 1.21 (1.08, 1.35) 0.001 No 7.7% No NP Yes III III III Moderate
Heart failure or LV dysfunction population
Barra (33) Implanted Cardiac defibrillator (ICD) Eligible or not for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) Intervention 14 1,081/
RR 0.33 (0.24, 0.47) 1.59 x 10−10 No 12.6% No NP Yes I IV I Critically low
Coronary artery disease population
Aune (25) DM, in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) DM or not Risk 5 2,194/
RR 1.64 (1.36, 1.97) 2.15 x 10−7 Yes 39.0% Yes No Yes II II II Moderate
Rattanawong (28) AF, in patients with CAD AF or not Risk 4 1,352/
RR 1.56 (1.24, 1.96) 1.7 x 10−4 Yes 34.7% Yes No Yes III III III High
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy population
Rattanawong (28) Atrial Fibrillation Yes vs. No in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Risk 4 77/
RR 2.05 (1.22, 3.43) 0.006 Yes 25.9% No Yes Yes IV III IV High quality
Other populations
Aune (25) DM, in patients with AF, CAD, heart failure (HF), or hemodialysis DM or not Risk 10 2,713/
RR 1.75 (1.51, 2.03) 1.49 x 10−13 No 38.6% Yes Yes Yes II II II Moderate

CE, class of evidence; CES, class of evidence sensitivity analysis; CI, confidence interval; ES, effect size; ESB, excess significance bias; HR, hazard ratio; I2, heterogeneity; K, number of studies for each factor; LS, largest study with significant effect; MA, meta-analysis; n, number of cases; N, total number of cohorts per factor; NA, not assessable; NP, not pertinent, because the number of observed studies is less than the expected; NR, not reported; OR, odds ratio; PI, prediction interval; RR, risk ratio; SSE, small study effects.