(A, B) Turbidity traces of 50 μM W42Q in buffers with set redox potentials using the glutathione redox couple, where OxD = 2[GSSG]/([GSH]+2[GSSG]), and ([GSH]+2[GSSG])=2 mM in all cases. The OxD range shown is consistent with what is observed during cataract development (Hains and Truscott, 2007). Notably, in the least-oxidizing buffers with myo-inositol, the turbidity curves became biphasic. (C) Quantification of the maximum aggregation rates and lag times for the curves in (A) and (B) showed stronger aggregation suppression by 100 mM myo-inositol than in Figure 1A and B. (D) Ratios of maximum aggregation rates (+inositol/-inositol) (top) and aggregation lag times (bottom), for the data shown in panel (C). Averaged across the six OxD buffers, mean ± S.E.M. for inositol’s inhibitory effect on the aggregation rate was 51±2% vs 35 ± 3% observed in the fully oxidizing buffer.