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. 2022 Jul;104(7):480–489. doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2021.0199

Table 2 .

Outcomes after conservative management

Author Regime Success rate Outcomes
Death Surgery Other
Milito et al31 MCT feed, rarely TPN, cotrimoxazole if lymphocyte count <1,000 per μl. Surgery if drain output >1,000ml in 24h for >48h 22/50 26 2 (pleuroperitoneal shunt)
Alamdari et al25 Two-week NBM or fat-restricted feed supplemented with MCT; TPN; tube thoracostomy; octreotide 100μg three times daily 46/98 26 26 (PRFG pleurodesis)
Weijs et al20 Low-fat feed for 7 days (if drain output <500ml) 40/61 1 20 (TPN)
TPN for 7 days (if drain output >500ml) 11/15 4
TPN and low-fat feed for 7 days 1/1
Brinkmann et al33 TPN, chest drain for >48h 2/17 15
Miao et al32 NBM, TPN and octreotide 23/34 11
Kim et al29 NBM, TPN; ± pleurodesis and octreotide if clinically not improving 43/54 11
Fujita and Daiko13 TPN only 2/5 3
TPN and octreotide 100μg TDS 13/15 2
Li et al21 Low-fat feed, chest drain, protein supplementation if needed 48-h trial 45/186 6 135
2-week trial 77/120 3 36 4 (recurrence)
Shah et al28 NBM, ± additional chest drain ± TPN ± elemental feeds ± octreotide ± pleurodesis 13/34 (6) 21
Schumacher et al35 TPN and albumin infusions 1/2 1
Lagarde et al5 NBM, TPN. If drain <500ml per day, started on low-fat diet 16/20 4
Rao et al30 NBM, TPN, chest drain, octreotide in one patient 5/14 2 7
Bonavina et al36 2-week trial of NBM, TPN and chest drain. Octreotide and ethylephrine given in 2 0/3 3
Merigliano et al19 NBM, TPN, chest drain 4/11 7
Alexiou et al37 NBM, TPN, chest drain 13/21 4 4
Dugue et al38 12-day trial of TPN, chest drain 14/23 9
Bolger et al39 TPN, chest drain 3/11 4 3 1 (recurrence)
Total 394/795 (49.6%) 20 (2.5%) 328 (41.3%) 53 (6.6%)

MCT, medium chain triglycerides; NBM, nil by mouth; PRFG, platelet-rich fibrin glue; TPN, total parenteral nutrition.