Extended Data Fig. 9. Non-hydroxylated inositol-like lipid structures in diverse sphingolipid-producing species.
(A) LC-MS/MS fragmentation patterns of lipids extracted from Novosphingobium acidiphilum consistent with the synthesis of PI-DHC 35:0 and 36:0. (B) LC-MS/MS fragmentation pattern of lipids extracted from Sphingomonas paucimobilis, demonstrating the presence of a headgroup with the same mass as inositol phosphate (259) but lacking the characteristic fragment of this group (241). As such, the headgroup identity remains tentative and is represented with a phosphohexose. (C) LC-MS/MS spectra and fragmentation pattern of a P(Glycerol)-DHC 36:0 structure present in Prevotella copri, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Bacteroides vulgatus. Branching patterns and acyl chain distribution of lipid structures shown are possible representative structures and are not confirmed.