Extended Data Fig. 2. Summary of lipid species and inositol metabolites produced by each WT or knockout strain.
Lipid color scheme is consistent with Fig. 2. Red x = not present; green check = present. Inositol-P (“inos-P”) is described as present/absent dependent on the presence of the BT_1526 gene. PIP-DAG = phosphatidylinositol phosphate; PI-DAG = phosphatidylinositol; PI-DHC = phosphoinositol dihydroceramide; PE-DHC = phosphoethanolamine dihydroceramide; PE-DAG = phosphatidylethanolamine. Yellow background for PIP-DAG presence/absence indicates PIP-DAG presence (determined by presence of downstream metabolites), but these lipids are not detectable by mass spectrometry, due to predicted fast turnover.