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. 2022 Jul;12(7):3640–3654. doi: 10.21037/qims-21-1122

Table 3. Image quality scores of REACT and CE-MRA.

Vessel quality REACT CE-MRA P value
Median [IQR] Mean ± SD Median [IQR] Mean ± SD
Right side
   CCA 5 [4–5] 4.45±0.74 4 [4–5] 4.36±0.73 0.0050*
   ICA, C1 segment 5 [5–5] 4.68±0.65 5 [4–5] 4.67±0.64 0.6385
   ICA, C2 segment 5 [5–5] 4.70±0.60 5 [5–5] 4.75±0.52 0.3609
Left side
   CCA 5 [4–5] 4.43±0.75 4 [4–5] 4.33±0.76 0.0133*
   ICA, C1 segment 5 [4.25–5] 4.70±0.57 5 [4–5] 4.64±0.68 0.5137
   ICA, C2 segment 5 [5–5] 4.70±0.73 5 [4–5] 4.74±0.73 0.2291
Overall 5 [4–5] 4.61±0.66 5 [4–5] 4.58±0.68 0.0299*
   Artifacts 5 [4–5] 4.51±0.70 5 [4–5] 4.44±0.73 0.0847
   Noise 5 [4–5] 4.43±0.67 4 [4–5] 4.25±0.71 <0.0001*

*, statistical significance. Scoring scales of 1–5 were used, 1 being non-diagnostic. REACT, Relaxation-Enhanced Angiography without Contrast and Triggering; CE-MRA, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography; CCA, common carotid artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.