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. 2022 Jul;12(7):3844–3859. doi: 10.21037/qims-21-1092

Table 3. Matrix of correlation co-efficients (R) between independent variables (eccentricity, SCR, volume).

Variables Ecc SCR Vol
Max Blob: 0.35 Max Blob: 0.4 Max Blob: 0.45 Weighted: 0.4 Cutoff: 3 Deleted Cutoff: 4 Deleted Mod regular Z score Histology MP-MRI: 0.6 MP-MRI: 0.65 MP-MRI: 0.7
Ecc; Max Blob: 0.35 1 0.957 0.856 0.809 −0.039 −0.194 −0.384 −0.316 −0.523 −0.543 −0.485 −0.484
Ecc; Max Blob: 0.40 0.957 1 0.924 0.786 −0.115 −0.281 −0.466 −0.416 −0.48 −0.523 −0.463 −0.459
Ecc; Max Blob: 0.45 0.856 0.924 1 0.8 −0.176 −0.378 −0.5 −0.481 −0.486 −0.541 −0.476 −0.469
Weighted: 0.4 0.809 0.8 0.786 1 −0.014 −0.416 0.181 −0.353 −0.331 −0.439 −0.35 −0.408
SCR; Cutoff; 3 Deleted −0.039 −0.115 −0.176 −0.014 1 0.716 0.39 0.39 0.187 −0.227 −0.2 −0.044
SCR; Cutoff; 4 Deleted −0.194 −0.281 −0.378 −0.263 0.716 1 0.683 0.606 0.079 −0.209 −0.2 −0.149
SCR; Mod regular −0.384 −0.466 −0.5 −0.181 0.39 0.683 1 0.757 0.179 −0.026 −0.026 −0.118
SCR; Z Score −0.316 −0.416 0.481 −0.353 0.39 0.606 0.757 1 0.021 −0.024 −0.102 −0.148
Vol; Histology −0.523 −0.48 −0.486 −0.331 0.187 0.079 0.179 0.021 1 0.609 0.662 0.641
Vol; MP-MRI: 0.60 −0.543 −0.523 −0.541 −0.439 −0.227 −0.209 −0.026 −0.024 0.609 1 0.965 0.887
Vol; MP-MRI: 0.65 −0.485 −0.463 −0.476 −0.35 −0.2 −0.2 −0.026 −0.102 0.662 0.965 1 0.931
Vol; MP-MRI: 0.70 −0.484 −0.459 −0.469 −0.408 −0.044 −0.149 −0.118 −0.148 0.641 0.887 0.931 1

SCR, signal to clutter ratio; Ecc, eccentricity; Vol, volume; Max Blob, largest blob; Weighted, weighted eccentricity; Cutoff, principal component filtering; 3 Deleted, 3 principal components deleted; 4 Delete, 4 principal components deleted; Mod Regular, modified regularization; MP-MRI, multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging; R, correlation coefficient.