Table 1.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Terms
Term/Acronym | Meaning |
Artifact | An irregularity in the magnetic field caused by head movement, bony cavities, or the presence of metal, which leads to loss of integrity of signal. |
Atlas | A brain template used to define regions and/or networks, e.g., the MNI Atlas, Talairach Atlas, Yeo Atlas. |
Block fMRI | Consecutive blocks of task stimuli presented in series (e.g., for 30s), interspersed with rest periods. |
BOLD | Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent signal; measures magnitude of activation using contrast between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. |
Cluster | A contiguous part of a statistical brain map after some method of significance testing (e.g., “we identified a significant cluster in the left insula”). |
Connectivity | Estimates of the dynamic temporal relationship between brain cells, areas, regions or networks. |
Event-related | Task-based design, individual task trials interspersed with variable inter-trial interval |
FWE/FDR | Family wise error/false discovery rate: multiple testing considerations to correct for the ~50,000 voxels in a brain. |
GLM | General linear model - most common statistical approach for fMRI data, implemented in all major packages (FSL, AFNI, SPM). |
HRF | Hemodynamic response function - the shape and lag used to model the BOLD response. |
ITI | Inter-trial interval - the delay between successive task trials. |
Mask | To extract signal from a discrete region or network for analysis, a mask is created, which is a 3D map of which voxels should be included in analysis. |
Network | An interacting, topologically organized set of brain regions. |
RF pulse | Radiofrequency pulse - the perturbational signal emitted by the scanner. |
ROI | Region of interest; a predefined brain region used for analysis of discrete, usually anatomically-defined brain regions. |
rsfMRI | Resting state fMRI - participant rests in the scanner with eyes open or closed. |
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio, an index of data quality; e.g., “there is low SNR in that region due to an artifact near the orbital sinus”. |
Slice | A full acquisition in one plane; e.g., “36 sagittal slices”. |
tesla | Unit of measurement for magnet strength; abbreviated “T” (e.g., a 3T scanner). |
Time series autocorrelation | Degree of similarity in activation between two regions while accounting for the time lapse between them. |
TE | Time to echo - the time between administration of the magnetic pulse and the corresponding echo from the perturbed atomic nuclei in the brain. |
TR | Time to repetition - the time between magnetic pulses (typically ~2s). |
Volume | A single complete acquisition (whole brain/part of the brain) (e.g., “336 volumes”). |
Voxel | A 3D pixel (e.g., “the region contained 200 voxels”). |