Fig. 5. Post-treatment with caPAK4 shows a therapeutic effect in the α-synuclein PD model.
A Experimental scheme. B Representative images of TH immunostaining in the SN from lenti-Ctrl- or lenti-caPAK4-injected rats post AAV-hα-syn. C Stereological counting of TH-positive and Nissl-stained dopamine neurons (n = 5 for each group). D Representative images of TH immunostaining in the rat striatum. E Quantification of striatal TH-positive fiber density (n = 5 for each group). F Quantification of cumulative amphetamine-induced ipsilateral rotations (n = 5 for each group). G Quantification of dopamine levels in the ipsilateral striatum from lenti-Ctrl- or lenti-caPAK4-injected rats post AAV-hα-syn (n = 5 for each group). The data are presented as the mean ± SEM. *P < 0.01. Unpaired Student’s t test.