Fig. 5. Comparison of the K loci of strains TP1, TP2 and TP3, and phage-resistant mutants generated in vitro.
A Diagram of the KL116 capsule locus identified in strains TP1, TP2, and TP3 as predicted by Kaptive. Genes are represented by arrows oriented in the direction of transcription. Orange arrows represent genes involved in capsule export, yellow genes are involved in repeat unit processing, blue genes are involved in simple sugar biosynthesis, green genes encode glycotransferases and the red gene codes for the initiating transferase. All genes had 100% coverage and ranged from 90–100% identity to the KL116 type in the Kaptive database. Defective capsule locus genes identified in in vitro-generated phage-insensitive mutants of TP1 are indicated by black arrows; numbers in parentheses after each phage name indicate what proportion of phage-insensitive mutants contained a mutation in that gene. B Nucleotide alignment of the sequences showing the six nucleotide deletion in one of the glycosyltransferases (gtr76) found in multiple TP1 mutants resistant to the cocktail myophages.