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. 2022 Jun 17;10:925457. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.925457



(A) Overlay of 1H-15N HSQC spectra of the Ns H-NOX domain in heme-bound state (grey) and BAY 41-2272 bound state (cyan). (B) Top panel: Secondary structure of X-ray structure of Ns H-NOX. CSP in response to BAY 41-2272 binding with threshold value 0.0188. (C) Plot of CSP versus BAY 41-2272 concentration; data fitted against Eq. 2. Cyan bars represent the residues with higher CSP than the threshold (D) CSP in response to BAY 58-2667 binding with threshold value 0.33. Purple bars indicate the residues with CSP value above the threshold after BAY 58-2667 addition (Argyriou et al., 2021).