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. 2022 Jun 27;18(5):291–300. doi: 10.1089/chi.2021.0056

Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics for Latino New York City Public School Students (nstudents = 570,172), 2006/07–2016/17

  na (%)
 Female 283,598 (49.7)
 Male 286,574 (50.3)
 US (non-NYC) 295,693 (52.0)
 NYC 166,361 (29.3)
 South America 19,452 (3.4)
 Central America 10,241 (1.8)
 Dominican Republic 57,088 (10.0)
 Puerto Rico 9687 (1.7)
 Mexico 9647 (1.7)
Weight categoryb (all yearsc)  
 Underweight 11,988 (2.4)
 Healthy weight 282,796 (57.2)
 Overweight 105,584 (21.4)
 Obese I 62,975 (12.7)
 Obese II 21,257 (4.3)
 Obese III 8803 (1.8)
Household poverty statusd  
 Qualifies for free/reduced price school meals 462,156 (81.1)
 Does not qualify for free/reduced price school meals 108,016 (18.9)
Area povertye (% qualifying for food stamps at home residence the zip code level)  
 Low [<15.9%] 180,067 (31.6)
 Mid [15.9%–29.7%] 137,632 (24.1)
 High [≥29.7%–41.2%] 118,381 (20.8)
 Very high [>41.2%] 134,092 (23.5)
Linguistic isolationf (% speaking only Spanish at home residence the zip code level)  
 Low [<10.6%] 165,767 (29.1)
 Mid [10.6%–18.0%] 121,452 (21.3)
 High [≥18.0%–24.8%] 113,607 (19.9)
 Very High [>24.8%] 169,346 (29.7)

nMissing Place of Birth = 1756.


Weight category was based on annual Fitnessgram measurements for each child, and was defined according to Centers for Disease Control growth chart-derived norms for sex and age in months, and used to compute the BMI percentile for each child. Weight categories categorized as underweight: <the 5th percentile; healthy weight: ≥5th to <85th percentile; overweight: ≥85th to <95th percentile; obesity class I: ≥95th percentile-120% of the 95th percentile; obesity class II: ≥120% of the 95th percentile; obesity class III: ≥140% of the 95th percentile.


Based on all years, nobservations = 3,103,642.


Individual student household poverty (high vs. low) was based on student eligibility/noneligibility for free/reduced-price school meals through the National School Lunch Program, which provides meal assistance according to household income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level.


Based on percentage of households in the home zip code receiving food stamps/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program drawing from ACS 2012 to 2016 data.


Based on percentage of Spanish-speaking only households in the home zip code drawing from ACS 2012 to 2016 data.

ACS, American Community Survey; NYC, New York City; POB, Place of Birth.