The simplified monomer graphs of human centromeres. The first 23 subfigures contain simplified monomer graphs for all live human centromeres in the CHM13 cell line (centromere ID shown in the subcaption). The 24th subfigure corresponds to the centromere on Chromosome Y in the HG002 genome. In each graph, vertices represent the monomer set Monomers of the corresponding Centromere. The label of each vertex represents the monomer ID and its count in the monocentromere Centromere* (in parentheses). The ID of the monomers follow the naming convention introduced in Shepelev et al. (2015). Two monomers are connected by an edge if they are consecutive in monocentromere Centromere*. The weight of an edge connecting monomers M and M′ is defined as the number of times M is followed by M′ in Centromere*. The width of an edge (color of a vertex) reflects its multiplicity (count of a monomer). In each graph, HORmon detects heavy nonoverlapping cycles and paths and removes chords in such cycles (for details, see Methods). The isolated cycles in 18 centromeres (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, X, and Y) represent HORs in these centromeres. (Figure continues on following pages.)