Figure 7.
(A) Measurement of epimastigote membrane integrity by flow cytometry using propidium iodide staining following incubation for 4 h with the indicated concentrations of amphotericin B (n = 3), mean ± SD shown. (B) Measurement of epimastigote concentration every 48 h starting at 1e5 epimastigotes/ml (n = 3), mean ± SD shown. (C) Growth and (D) membrane integrity of epimastigotes assessed daily during continuous exposure to either 27°C or 37°C (n = 3), mean ± SD shown. (E) (i) Flow cytometry histograms of parasite fluorescence in the Y2 (615/20) channel. Unstained controls are shown along with TMRE stained parasites. (ii) Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the Y2 channel with and without pre-treatment of parasites with FCCP ±SD shown. Parasite line, FCCP treatment and interaction have p < 0.001 by two-way ANOVA; all multiple pairwise comparisons compared to WT are significant after Bonferroni correction.