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. 2022 Jun 1;14(6):e25573. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25573

Table 2. Appendix 2: search strategy.

Database Search limitation Concept Search term/strategy
            Mesh               OR                Keywords
PubMed Up to August 2020. Adult English search field: title, abstract, and full text #1 Coronavirus (“COVID19” [Title/Abstract] OR “COVID-19” [Title/Abstract] OR “coronavirus disease 2019” [Title/Abstract] OR “2019 novel coronavirus infection” [Title/Abstract] OR “coronavirus disease-19” [Title/Abstract] OR “2019-nCoV disease” [Title/Abstract] OR “2019nCoV” [Title/Abstract] OR “2019 novel coronavirus disease” [Title/Abstract] OR “2019-nCoV infection” [Title/Abstract] OR “SARS-CoV-2” [Title/Abstract] OR “SARS2” [Title/Abstract] OR “Wuhan coronavirus" [Title/Abstract]) OR ("COVID-19" [Supplementary Concept] OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" [Supplementary Concept])
#2 Postmortem pathology "Autopsy"[Mesh] OR "Forensic Pathology"[Mesh] OR “autops*” [Title/Abstract] OR “postmortem” [Title/Abstract] OR “post-mortem” [Title/Abstract] OR “Histopath*” [Title/Abstract] OR “death” [Title/Abstract] OR “specimen” [Title/Abstract] OR “biopsy” [Title/Abstract] OR “cytopathology” [Title/Abstract] OR “immunopathology” [Title/Abstract]
ScienceDirect      (“2019-nCoV” OR “COVID-19” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “2019-nCoV infection” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR “Wuhan coronavirus") AND (Autopsy OR "immunopathology" OR "autopsies" OR "specimen" OR "histopathology" OR "histopathological" OR "biopsy" OR "Cytopatho")
Google Scholar     (“2019-nCoV” OR “COVID-19” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “2019-nCoV infection” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR “Wuhan coronavirus") ("Autopsy" OR "Postmortem" OR pathology OR autopsies OR gravid OR histopathology OR specimen OR cytopathology OR immunopathology)
medRxiv and bioRxiv     Novel coronavirus AND postmortem pathology