Fig. 3. Rashba-Dresselhaus effect on polariton dispersion.
a Horizontally and (b) vertically linearly polarized dispersion below the threshold at 2 V. c Linearly polarized dispersion calculated from (a, b). d Left- and (e) right-hand circularly polarized dispersion below the threshold at 4.5 V. g Left- and (h) right-circularly polarized dispersion above the threshold at 4.5 V. f, i Circularly polarized dispersion corresponding to (d, e), and (g, h), respectively. The fitted curves in (f) are calculated by the Hamiltonian (1) with parameters: Ex = 2.406 eV, Ep = 2.352 (2.284) eV for the upper (lower) set, m = 3.5 × 10−6me (me is the free electron mass), ξ = 5 meV, and β0 = β1 = 0.