Extended Data Figure 9 |. Development of a multi-compartment computational model of the multi-tissue platform.
a, Schematic of the entire mechanistic multi-compartment model. All tissue tanks have a similar configuration that is composed of a cylindrical tank divided in 3 sub-compartments (TT, MT, and BT), an endothelial membrane with 3 layers (TM, MM, and BM), a fluidic inflow segment (IFC), and a fluidic perfusion segment (FC). All the individual compartments were represented by species mass balance equations, calculated using drug flux (J) and volumetric medium flow (Qf). b, Schematic of the liver tissue chamber. c, Schematic of the heart tissue chamber. d, Schematic of the bone tissue chamber. e, Schematic of the skin tissue chamber. f, Schematic of the reservoir and tubing.