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. 2022 Jul 3;25(7):e25957. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25957

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of CAPRISA 082 participants stratified by site and PrEP initiation

Urban Rural
Total % (N) Total % (N) Initiated PrEP % (N) RR of PrEP initiation (95% CI) Total % (N) Initiated PrEP % (N) RR of PrEP initiation (95% CI)
Overall 100 (425) 100 (166) 35.5 (59) 100 (259) 78.4 (203)
Age 18–24 67.3 (286) 75.9 (126) 35.7 (45) 1.02 (0.63–1.65) 61.8 (160) 75.6 (121) 0.91 (0.81–1.04)
25–30 32.7 (139) 24.1 (40) 35 (14) 1.00 38.2 (99) 82.8 (82) 1.00
Education Less than secondary 31.1 (132) 19.3 (32) 31.3 (10) 0.85 (0.49–1.50) 38.6 (100) 79 (79) 1.01 (0.89–1.15)
Secondary or higher 68.9 (293) 80.7 (134) 36.6 (49) 1.00 61.4 (159) 78 (124) 1.00
Employment Yes 5.9 (25) 2.5 (4) 0 (0) 8.1 (21) 81 (17) 1.04 (0.83–1.29)
No 94.1 (396) 97.5 (158) 36.7 (58) 91.9 (238) 78.2 (186) 1.00
Stable partner Yes 94.4 (401) 91.6 (152) 34.9 (53) 0.81 (0.43–1.55) 96.1 (249) 78.3 (195) 0.98 (0.71–1.34)
No 5.6 (24) 8.4 (14) 42.9 (6) 1.00 3.9 (10) 80 (8) 1.00
Married Yes 1.9 (8) 0.6 (1) 0 (0) 2.7 (7) 100 (7) 1.29 (1.20–1.37) d
No 98.1 (417) 99.4 (165) 35.8 (59) 97.3 (252) 77.8 (196) 1.00
Casual partner Yes 5.2 (22) 8.4 (14) 57.1 (8) 1.70 (1.03–2.82) d 3.1 (8) 75 (6) 0.96 (0.64–1.43)
No 94.8 (403) 91.6 (152) 33.6 (51) 1.00 96.9 (251) 78.5 (197) 1.00
Partner age difference Partner <5 years older or partner younger 73.1 (307) 74.2 (121) 35.5 (43) 1.00 72.4 (186) 80.1 (149) 1.00
Partner 5–10 years older 23.3 (98) 22.1 (36) 30.6 (11) 0.86 (0.50–1.49) 24.1 (62) 74.2 (46) 0.93 (0.79–1.09)
Partner >10 years older 3.6 (15) 3.7 (6) 83.3 (5) 2.34 (1.52–3.61) d 3.5 (9) 77.8 (7) 0.97 (0.68–1.39)
Partner HIV positive Yes 2.9 (12) 2.5 (4) 0 (0) 3.1 (8) 100 (8) 1.27 (1.18–1.36) d
No 75.3 (317) 80.9 (131) 37.4 (49) 1.00 71.8 (186) 79 (147) 1.00
Don't know 21.9 (92) 16.7 (27) 37 (10) 0.99 (0.58–1.70) 25.1 (65) 73.8 (48) 0.93 (0.79–1.10)
Partner circumcised Yes 57.6 (242) 65.2 (105) 38.1 (40) 1.00 52.9 (137) 78.8 (108) 1.00
No 36.4 (153) 32.3 (52) 30.8 (16) 0.81 (0.50–1.30) 39 (101) 76.2 (77) 0.97 (0.84–1.11)
Don't know 6 (25) 2.5 (4) 75 (3) 1.97 (1.06–3.65) d 8.1 (21) 85.7 (18) 1.09 (0.89–1.32)
Partner migrant worker a Yes 20.6 (64) 4 (5) 40 (2) 1.22 (0.40–3.68) 31.7 (59) 74.6 (44) 0.95 (0.80–1.13)
No 79.4 (246) 96 (119) 32.8 (39) 1.00 68.3 (127) 78.7 (100) 1.00
Age of sexual debut <18 38.8 (163) 39.8 (66) 34.8 (23) 0.97 (0.64–1.47) 38.2 (97) 75.3 (73) 0.95 (0.82–1.09)
> = 18 61.2 (257) 60.2 (100) 36 (36) 1.00 61.8 (157) 79.6 (125) 1.00
Lifetime # sexual partners 1 partner 29.4 (124) 22.9 (38) 23.7 (9) 1.00 33.6 (86) 77.9 (67) 1.00
2 partners 31.8 (134) 26.5 (44) 34.1 (15) 1.44 (0.71–2.91) 35.2 (90) 75.6 (68) 0.97 (0.82–1.14)
3+ partners 38.9 (164) 50.6 (84) 41.7 (35) 1.76 (0.94–3.28) 31.3 (80) 83.8 (67) 1.07 (0.93–1.25)
Male/female condom use Sometimes/always 78 (329) 91.5 (151) 35.1 (53) 0.82 (0.43–1.56) 69.3 (178) 78.1 (139) 0.98 (0.85–1.12)
Never 22 (93) 8.5 (14) 42.9 (6) 1.00 30.7 (79) 79.7 (63) 1.00
Perceived risk of HIV No/low risk 42 (178) 53.3 (88) 30.7 (27) 1.00 34.7 (90) 80 (72) 1.00
Some/high risk 58 (246) 46.7 (77) 40.3 (31) 1.31 (0.87–1.99) 65.3 (169) 77.5 (131) 0.97 (0.85–1.10)
Are you on a non‐barrier contraceptive Yes 67.5 (286) 66.9 (111) 37.8 (42) 1.22 (0.77–1.94) 67.8 (175) 77.7 (136) 0.98 (0.85–1.12)
No 32.5 (138) 33.1 (55) 30.9 (17) 1.00 32.2 (83) 79.5 (66) 1.00
Ever used contraceptive pill Yes 15.8 (67) 17.6 (29) 27.6 (8) 0.75 (0.40–1.41) 14.7 (38) 92.1 (35) 1.21 (1.08–1.36) d
No 84.2 (357) 82.4 (136) 36.8 (50) 1.00 85.3 (221) 76 (168) 1.00
Bacterial vaginosis b Present 56.4 (232) 54.5 (90) 32.2 (29) 0.81 (0.54–1.21) 57.7 (142) 78.9 (112) 1.00 (0.88–1.14)
Absent 43.6 (179) 45.5 (75) 40.0 (30) 1.00 42.3 (104) 78.9 (82) 1.00
STI detected c Yes 22.4 (93) 16.3 (27) 33.3 (9) 0.93 (0.52–1.65) 26.5 (66) 78.8 (52) 1.01 (0.87–1.17)
No 77.6 (322) 83.7 (139) 36 (50) 1.00 73.5 (183) 78.1 (143) 1.00
Time of PrEP initiation At enrolment 84.0 (220) 55.9 (33) 92.1 (187)
After enrolment 16.0 (42) 44.1 (26) 7.9 (16)

Migrant worker is a person who moves to another country or area in order to find employment. One hundred and fifteen participants did not respond to this question.


Fourteen results bacterial vaginosis tests not done.


STIs comprised trichomoniasis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Ten missing STI results.

