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. 2022 Jun 20;13:896573. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.896573

Table 2.

Scale Items and Psychometric Properties for PREVI-A dimensions (english).

α ω Factor loading M SD
Legal situation 0.70 0.71
1. Seriousness of the committed crimes (the presence of violence). 0.546*** 1.21 0.81
2. Non-compliance / violations in current or previous measures 0.636*** 0.89 1.19
3. Criminal versatility 0.560*** 0.57 0.75
4. Time immersed in criminal behavior 0.701*** 1.15 1.04
5. Unresolved open court cases 0.582*** 0.33 0.58
6. Existence of significant antisocial behavior that has not led to the opening of legal proceedings and the imposition of a judicial measure. 0.618*** 0.90 1.06
7. Evidence of antisocial behavior before age 14 0.527*** 0.53 0.93
Context and intervention 0.91 0.91
1. Presence/absence of episodes of aggressive or violent communication with peers 0.762*** 0.91 0.88
2. Relationship with authority figures. Assumption/oppositionism 0.799*** 1.20 1.02
3. Damages spaces and/or material 0.600*** 0.49 0.78
4. Coerces peers or equals to impose criteria or actions 0.650*** 0.50 0.71
5. Non-compliance with established regulations 0.912*** 1.28 1.02
6. Presents difficulties in the assumption/internalization of norms. 0.909*** 1.30 1.08
7. Does not comply with schedules 0.770*** 1.11 1.13
8. Risk behaviors in essential health domains 0.753*** 1.04 1.07
9. Difficulties in the assumption and understanding of the crime as harm to others. 0.859*** 1.50 1.12
10. Difficulties for the accountability for the crime 0.853*** 1.48 1.11
11. Difficulties for collaboration in professional interventions. 0.768*** 1.19 0.92
12. Difficulties for the fulfillment of obligations established in the judicial measure 0.755*** 1.01 0.95
School, occupational training and work 0.90 0.90
1. Problems with teachers/superiors 0.823*** 0.88 0.99
2. Lack of interest in the training or work activity. 0.919*** 1.59 1.10
3. Lack of parental interest in school/work training appropriate to the child's developmental stage 0.510*** 0.98 1.08
4. Problems for the perception of personal benefit through training/employment. 0.857*** 1.30 1.05
5. Low academic/employment performance 0.884*** 1.83 1.07
6. Curricular delay and/or absenteeism/failure at school or work 0.819*** 1.82 1.08
7. Problems in work habits or development of the skills necessary for adequate competence in the work training area. 0.915*** 1.66 0.98
Personal development 0.95 0.96
1. Rigid or inflexible thinking 0.774*** 1.58 0.96
2. Attributional biases (suspiciousness/hostility) 0.798*** 1.42 1.03
3. Antisocial values 0.899*** 1.66 1.03
4. Absence of repsonsabilización and/or lack of remorse or guilt about the deviant behaviors of the norm. 0.846*** 1.56 1.02
5. Lack of foresight of the consequences of the behavior and/or inadequate perception-assessment of risk situations. 0.881*** 1.74 0.94
6. Lack of emotional reactivity/irascibility/irritability 0.784*** 1.43 1.04
7. Low empathy. Emotional coldness 0.806*** 1.46 0.97
8. Frequent use of lies 0.608*** 1.25 0.95
9. Low frustration tolerance 0.840*** 1.74 0.94
10. Inflated or maladjusted self-esteem 0.516*** 1.08 1.01
11. Impulsivity or low self-control 0.809*** 1.56 0.99
12. Challenges authority/oppositionism 0.880*** 1.40 1.02
13. Disinhibition or sensation seeking 0.781*** 1.27 1.02
14. Use of violence/aggressiveness as a resource present in the child's behavioral repertoire. 0.838*** 1.46 1.06
15. Lacks adequate conflict resolution strategy/negotiation skills 0.798*** 1.69 0.98
16. Behaviors based on immediate, material and external objectives. 0.874*** 1.80 1.07
17. Affected by traumatic experience 0.468*** 0.94 1.11
18. Drug abuse 0.875*** 1.32 1.16
19. Drug use interferes significantly with their lives/crimes related to drug use 0.860*** 1.13 1.18
20. Friends with regular consumption 0.769*** 1.90 1.09
21. Favorable attitude towards consumption 0.757*** 1.38 1.06
Socio-familial integration 0.85 0.85
1. Absence of rules and limits in the family system 0.754*** 1.72 1.09
2. Contradictory, incoherent or inconsistent educational guidelines/rules 0.742*** 1.75 1.13
3. Continuous negative communication and messages. Undervaluation of the child 0.515*** 0.89 1.07
4. Difficulty or inability to control the child's behavior. 0.929*** 2.02 1.07
5. Active resistance to educational guidelines/norms/rules 0.916*** 1.50 1.15
6. Independent lifestyle, outside of family life 0.702*** 1.38 1.18
7. Experience of family violence (direct or indirect) 0.488*** 0.88 1.17
8. Reversal of parent/child roles 0.623*** 0.95 1.11
Social-interpersonal integration 0.89 0.89 1.94 1.09
1. Antisocial relationship group 0.881*** 0.93 1.16
2. Related to an organized violent group 0.500*** 0.47 0.76
3. Lacks strategies to withstand peer pressure 0.551***
4. Little or no presence of structured activities 0.940*** 2.11 1.08
5. Leisure time is unoccupied and empty of content. 0.950*** 2.13 1.05
6. Their personal interests and hobbies are maladaptive. 0.954*** 1.70 1.18
7. Relates to and moves in marginal or highly conflictive social environments. 0.796*** 1.62 1.14
8. Lack of social support 0.630*** 1.02 1.07
9. Refuses intervention or does not know how to access social resources or sociocommunity resources. 0.806*** 1.33 1.16

p < 0.001.