a, b H&E and PAS staining on renal sections of indicated groups (a), with quantitative data for relative glomerular area and relative mesanglial area (b), data shown as mean ± SD. nH&E = 5, 6, 8, 5 independent animals for WT + NC or UtxKsp KO + NC or WT + HFD or UtxKsp KO + HFD group, respectively, **PH&E (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0075, *PH&E (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0419; nPAS = 5, 4, 8, 4 independent animals for WT + NC or UtxKsp KO + NC or WT + HFD or UtxKsp KO + HFD group, respectively, *PPAS (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0211, *PPAS (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0405 (one-way ANOVA). Scale bar, 50 μm. c, d TG (triglycerides) and cholesterol levels in renal medulla (c) and cortex (d) of the indicated groups; n = 6, 6, 7, 5 independent animals, for WT + NC or UtxKsp KO + NC or WT + HFD or UtxKsp KO + HFD group, respectively (mean ± SD). c
***PTG (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) < 0.0001, ***PTG (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) < 0.0001; ***PCholesterol (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0009, ***PCholesterol (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0006; d
***PTG (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) < 0.0001, ***PTG (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) < 0.0001; ***PCholesterol (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) < 0.0001, ***PCholesterol (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0001 (one-way ANOVA). e, f Transcriptional levels of TG synthesis/lipid storage related genes in renal medulla (e) and cortex (f) of the indicated groups; n = 3 independent animals (mean ± SD). e
**PMogat1(WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0033; ***PGpam (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0001, *PGpam (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0294; ***PCidea (WT+NC vs UtxKsp
KO+NC) = 0.0004, **PCidea (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0015; ***PCidec (WT+NC vs UtxKsp
KO+NC) < 0.0001, *PCidec(WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0402; f
**PMogat1 (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0018, *PMogat1(WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0204; **PGpam (WT+NC vs WT+HFD) = 0.0072, **PGpam (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0097; **PCidea (WT+NC vs UtxKsp
KO+NC) = 0.0013, *PCidea (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0188; *PCidec (WT+NC vs UtxKsp
KO+NC) = 0.0279, ***PCidec (WT+HFD vs UtxKsp
KO+HFD) = 0.0003 (one-way ANOVA). Source data are provided in the Source Data file.