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. 2022 Jun 21;12:884782. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.884782

Table 1.

Patients’ disease characteristics prior to CD19hs CAR-T infusion.

Patient No. Age Sex Complex chromosome Gene fusion Previous CAR-T therapies Outcomes and DOR (mon) after mCAR-T infusions Bridging to HSCT No. of treatment regimens before enrollment
Source of CAR scFv Target No. of infusions Infusion dosage×10^6/kg
1 9 M N E2A-HLF murine CD19 + CD22 1 0.3 + 0.3 CR with MDR- for 1 N 6
2 14 M Y E2A-HLF murine CD19 2 0.3 CR with MRD- for 3.5 N 3
CD19 + CD22 0.3 + 0.3 NR
3 17 M N BCR-ABL1 murine CD19 2 4 CR with MRD- for 8 N 6
CD19 0.3 CR with MRD- for 1*
4$ 14 F N MLL/ITD murine CD19 1 1 CR for 18** Y 4
5$$ 20 F Y MLL/ITD murine CD19 2 1 NR Y 6
CD19 1 CR with MRD- for 12***
6$$$ 6 F Y BCR-ABL1 murine CD19 + CD22 1 0.9 + 1 CR with MRD- for 11 Y 6
7$$$$ 19 M N N murine CD19 2 0.06 NR N 8
CD19 0.5 NR
8 13 F N N murine CD19 2 0.06 NR Y 6
hu CD19 0.64 CR for 6****

allo-HSCT, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; CD19hsCAR-T, chimeric antigen receptor T cells engineered with humanized selective CD19-specific scFv; mCAR-T, chimeric antigen receptor T cells engineered with murine-based scFv; mon, month(s); CR, complete remission; DOR, duration of remission, time spanning from CR as evaluated on day 30 post-infusion to either the time of relapse, death, loss to follow-up, or the present time when the manuscript was prepared in the case of ongoing sustained CR; MRD, minimal residual disease; hu, humanized; ITD: internal tandem duplication; F, female; M, male; N, no; NR, nonresponse; Y, yes.

$Patient 4 harbored gene mutations, including IKZF1 mutation, ERG (Δ3-9 positive), FANCD2 (C2080 G>A pD694N), NRAS (G13D) and JAK (I668F);

$$Patient 5 harbored gene mutations, including IKZF1 mutation, ERG (Δ3-9 positive) and NRAS (G13D);

$$$Patient 6 harbored gene mutation, including IKZF1 heterozygous deletion from Exo5-6, PAX5 heterozygous deletion from Exo 2-6, and Exo 8;

$$$$Patient 7 harbored gene mutation, including KRAS Q22K and ASXL1 T822Pfs*3;

*Patient 3 received the 2nd infusion of CD19mCAR-T as a preventive treatment;

**Patient 4 achieved CR for 18 mon with CD19mCAR-T infusion bridging to allo-HSCT;

***Patient 5 achieved CR for 12 mon with 2 consecutive CD19mCAR-T infusions, then bridging to allo-HSCT;

****Patient 8 did not respond to CD19mCAR-T, and then achieved CR for 6 mon with a humanized CD19CAR-T (from a different research group; CR with 0.11% MDR) bridging to haplo-HSCT (CR with MRD-).