Fig. 1. Cryo-electron tomography allows quantitative analysis of actin filament organization in native podosomes.
a Slice from a tomographic volume acquired in a frozen-hydrated human macrophage revealing the podosome environment. Colored arrows point to ribosomes (gray), glycogen granules (white), a microtubule (black), and intermediate filaments (brown). See also Supplementary Movie 3. The original tomogram has been deposited in the EMDB under accession code EMD-13671. Nine other tomograms showing similar organizations were obtained. b Orthographic view of the corresponding 3D segmentation of the actin filaments showing their relative orientation with respect to the basal membrane, intermediate filaments (brown), and organelle membranes (gray). c, d Perspective views of the actin filaments in the volume indicated by a dotted rectangle in b shown from the left (c) and right (d) sides. e–g Average filament density (e), orientation (f), and length (g) as a function of the radial distance from the core center for ten tomograms. Inset in f: Corresponding values estimated for the core radius (Methods). The podosome shown in a–d corresponds to #9. Source data are provided as Source Data files.