Task paradigm
(A) Panels show the screens that were presented to participants during the task. Participants played the game with two different teams sequentially, the order of which was counterbalanced. For each team, participants viewed a set of character avatars and the team’s name and then played 30 rounds of the game with various team members, represented by avatars and names. Team membership was denoted by the color of the avatars’ shirts. After the partner was presented, an offer amount was shown with corresponding stacks of money. Participants could then choose to accept or reject the proposal. Choices were followed by outcome presentation. At the end of the task, participants were asked to rate how much influence they thought they had on the offers from each team.
(B) In the controllable condition, the next offer increased (or decreased) by $0, 1, or 2 with a uniform probability (⅓ each) if participants rejected (or accepted).