High EGR3 and ICOSLG expressions are relapse associated
(A) HOXA9, IRX1, EGR3, and ICOSLG expression levels are displayed in a heatmap for the dx cohort (patients with event; n = 23) and the rel cohort (n = 18). High 2−ΔCT values indicating high expression are displayed in red.
(B–D) Unpaired t tests indicated significantly higher ICOSLG (p < 0.0001) (B) and EGR3 (p < 0.0001) (C) expression levels of the rel cohort compared to the dx cohort, whereas the HOXA9 and IRX1 expression levels did not significantly differ between both cohorts (pHOXA9 = 0.8374; pIRX1 = 0.2737) (E and D).
(F) Principal component analysis among IRX1, EGR3, and ICOSLG expression data with patients assigned to the rel cohort (green), or to the ICOSLGhi (red) or ICOSLGlo (blue) group of the dx cohort. PC1 represents 68%, PC2 22.2% of total variance, respectively.
(G) Heatmap of the PCA confirms the clustering of the ICOSLGhi group at diagnosis with the relapse cohort. High 2−ΔCT values indicating high transcription levels are displayed in red.