Nano‐packed coenzyme Q10 prevented formaldehyde (FA) accumulation induced by acute hypoxia and alleviated neurological deficits. (A) Cerebral FA imaging by an in vivo small animal system with NaFA probe (λex/em = 440/550 nm). (B) Cerebral FA detected by QuantiChrom FA assay kit (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p < 0.0001). (C) Cytoplasmic FA of primary neurons detected by confocal imaging with NaFA (H‐8 h vs. H‐8 h + CoQ10, p = 0.0022). Scale bar = 20 μm. Change of the expression (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0141) (D) and activity (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.5990) (E) of SSAO in the cerebrum of the mice after intervention. Change in the level (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0054) (F) and activity (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p < 0.0001) (G) of ALDH2 in the cerebrum of the mice after intervention. (H–J) Neurological functions evaluated by open field test to show the total distance (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0020) (H), central distance (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0043) (I), and the frequency entering the center (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0325) of the mice on the first day after hypobaric hypoxia exposure (D1) (J). (K) Cognitive function evaluated by novel objective recognition (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p < 0.0001) on D1. Learning and memory ability assessed by step down test shown as the latency to electric shock (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0022) (L) and times of electric shock (HH vs. HH + CoQ10, p = 0.0065) on the second day after hypobaric hypoxia exposure. (M). FA: formaldehyde; sham: unexposed control group; CTL: unexposed to HH but intragastrically administrated with CoQ10; HH: exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia; HH + CoQ: intragastric administration with CoQ10 prior to HH exposure; FA + CoQ: intraperitoneal injection of FA and intragastric administration with CoQ10. N = 6 in each group, with three independent experiments. Data are presented as mean ± SD; ns: p > 0.05, *p < 0.05, **p <0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001