National religiosity (ceneterd) moderates the relationship between personal fatalism and life satisfaction. The red line represents the effect of personal fatalism on life satisfaction (on the y axis) across the range of moderator values (on the x axis). The blue lines represent the credible intervals for the effects. The credible intervals for high moderator values include zero (on the y axis), indicating that the effect is not significant for countries with very high levels of national religiosity. For example, the plot shows that in a country with a religiosity score of −5, the effect of fatalism on life satisfaction would be −.12, with a credible interval of about −.16 to −.06. Since the interval does not include zero, this effect is significant. However, for countries with religiosity scores greater than about 12, the credible interval includes zero and the effect is not significant. Overall, the plot shows that the negative relationship between fatalism and life satisfaction weakens and reaches zero as the value of national religiosity increases.