Figure 4.
TgLaforin is an antiparallel dimer.A, size-exclusion chromatogram (SEC) overlayed with MALS-measured mass (red) for two SEC standards (gray; MW of standards indicated at elution volume on top) and TgLaforin (blue). MALS predicts that TgLaforin is 136.6 ± 0.6 kDa in solution. B, AlphaFold2 model of TgLaforin as a dimer. Monomeric subunits each are shown in shades of blue and green. Residues critical to glucan phosphatase function are shown on the left subunit: consensus CBM residues are depicted and identified in orange, and the catalytic cysteine is shown in red. C, close-up view of the dimer interface with each monomeric subunit indicated by differential transparency. Interfacial hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues are shown in sticks and labeled in black and green, respectively. HDX data of 15 s were mapped onto the structure model. Deuterium uptake levels are color coded as indicated in the figure legend, gray regions are regions not covered in HDX-MS experiment. CBM, carbohydrate-binding module; DSP, dual-specificity phosphatase domain; HDX-MS, hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry; MALS, multiangle light scattering; MW, molecular weight.