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. 2022 Mar 21;56(2):109–115. doi: 10.1159/000524168

Table 3.

Chance and obstacles for teaching cariology according to the UCCC in Asian and Arabian countries including suggested modifications

Country Chance and obstacles to standardize undergrade cariology in country according to UCCC Items/domain needing modification to improve teaching in cariology
(KSA) Saudi Arabia Yes, UCCC has an opportunity to be introduced to Saudi Arabian dental schools There is a need to include all domains to be taught under the cariology course

UAE Yes, UCCC is applicable and can be introduced to our undergraduate students All domains perfectly fit the UAE curriculum, except domain III, which needs to be modified to fill the gaps and needs of the UAE community and culture. In addition, domain V needs to be tailored to the country's needs and altered according to the available national evidence and epidemiological data

China Yes, in recent years, a series of reforms have been carried out in the cultivation of undergraduates of stomatology in China. Teaching models, such as problem-, case-, or team-based learning, etc., are explored Dental education could be started at an earlier stage of undergraduate education, including clinical clerkship, basic practice in laboratory, etc.

Republic of Korea Yes, but standardization of the curriculum would take a long time as cariology is currently taught in various departments The scope of domain I is so broad that it seems necessary to reconstruct it more specifically with background knowledge limited to caries

Lebanon Yes, there is an opportunity to work on standardizing the curriculum between different universities Limitations in specific competencies of domains 3 and 4
1) assessment of the needs of risk groups (disabled patients)
2) administering preventive measures more appropriately in clinics
3) assessment and monitoring of treatment outcome over time

Egypt Yes, there is a good chance, as domains’ outcomes are taught by dental schools in Egypt, but it will require some time to standardize it among different universities Domain III and V need to be modified with respect to the requirements, preferences, and resources of the Egyptian society

India The chance to standardize undergraduate cariology teaching in our country according to the UCCC is quite high. Reforms in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula are considered Domain I is quite vast and needs to be more structured to serve as the base for foundation for cariology

Russia This would require even more efforts and time. The dental faculty of our university is in close connection with other faculties in the country. Therefore, a good chance exists for a collaboration for a discussion and standardization along the
Diagnostic criteria (early diagnosis instead of traditional diagnosis of caries at the stage of cavitation)
Clinical decision making and minimal invasive approach in caries treatment decision
In the short term, these modifications can be added to the elective part of the university program. In the long term, they should be implemented in the standardized Russian educational common program (main part)