Table 1.
Reference | n | Country | Setting | Study design | Methodology | Primary outcome | Measure | Comparator | JB quality score |
Ferlin et al. (31) | 62 | Italy | Hospital clinic | Cross-sectional analysis/non-RCT | Interview, self-reported questionnaires | Type of sexual dysfunctions within KS | IIEF-15 | 60 aged-matched | 6/8 |
Fisher et al. (32) | 46 | Italy | Hospital nits | Cross-sectional analysis | Clinical interviews, psychometric analysis | Prevalence of sexual disorders (GD, paraphilia) in KS | AQ, RME, GIDYQ-AA, SAST, SCL-90-R, IEEF, | 43 male controls | 7/8 |
Herlihy et al. (21) | 87 | Australia | Participant home | Cross-sectional analysis | DNA self-admin test, self-administered questionnaires | Psychosocial impact of KS on QoL | PWI, MBSRQ-AS, RSE, K10, short form-1, SIS | General population normative means | 7/8 |
Sorensen (27) | 14 | Denmark | Schools and clinical setting | Cross-sectional analysis | Clinical examination/ psychological assessment | Physical and mental development in KS | WAIS, school attainment, behaviour rating schedules | 19 male controls | 6/8 |
Rapp et al. (23) | 219 | Germany | 14 recruitment centres. | Cross-sectional analysis | Medical examination/interviews, (PRO) questionnaires | Measuring QoL in patients with (DSD) | WHOQOL-bref | Healthy European populations | 8/8 |
van Rijn (35) | 20 | Netherlands | Not specified | Cross-sectional analysis | Self-reported questionnaires, salivary T | Effect of T levels on ‘social anxiety, social cognition’ in KS | FSIQ, KDEF, SCST, SAS | 25 male controls | 6/8 |
Skakkebaek et al. (33) | 132 | Denmark | University Hospital | Cross-sectional analysis | Questionnaires, salivary T | Determinants of anxiety and depression | WHOQOL-bref, SF-36, IIEF-15, demographics | 313 matched controls | 7/8 |
Skakkebaek et al. (34) | 69 | Denmark | Clinical | Cross-sectional analysis | Questionnaires, cognitive assessments | Cognitive performance in KS | NEO PI-R, AQ, FSIQ | 69 matched controls | 6/8 |
Van Rijn et al. (7) | 34 | Netherlands/Belgium | Academic medical clinics /support groups | Cross-sectional analysis | Patient- and parent-reported questionnaires | Social behavioural phenotype in children with KS | ADI-R, SRS, SAS, SSRS | 46 male Controls | 7/8 |
Van Rijn et al. (26) | 31 | Netherlands | Not Specified | Cross-sectional analysis | Self-administered questionnaires and tests | Social difficulties in adult men with Klinefelter syndrome | NART, WAIS-R IQ, SIB, Short form, AQ | 2 male control groups (n = 20, n = 24) | 6/8 |
Liberato et al., (22) | 58 | Italy | Clinical | Cross-sectional analysis | Blood sampling, self-reported questionnaire, and clinical interview | Investigate fluid intelligence, personality traits, personality disorders (PD) in adult KS | SCIDII, MMPI2, SPM | Community samples | 5/8 |
Nielsen & Pelsen (24) | 34 | Denmark | Clinical | Cohort longitudinal study | Telephone interview | Differences between KS and hypogonadal males with a normal karyotype 46, XY | Job status, Martial status and adoption, Criminality, illness ‘physical or mental’ | 16 hypogonadal males | 6/11 |
Fabrazzo et al. (30) | 23 | Italy | Academic and medical clinics | Cross-sectional analysis | Questionnaires including pre-existing scales and interviews | Impact of 1 year on TRT on psychopathological recovery and QoL in KS | Q-LES-Q, SCL-90-R, MMSE, TCI-R. | 23 matched healthy subjects. | 7/8 |
AQ, Autism Spectrum Quotient (62); ADI-R, Autism diagnostic interview – Revised (73); GSIS, General symptomatic index score; GIDYQ-AA, Gender Identity/Dysphoria Questionnaires for Adults and Adolescents (63); IIEF, International Index of Erectile function (75); K10, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (66); MMPI-2, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (70); MMSE, Minimental State Examination; MBSRQ-AS, Multidimensional body-self relations questionnaire (64); NEO PI-R, Revised NEO personality inventory (67); NART, National adult reading test (81); PWI, Personal Wellbeing index (42); QRI, Qualitative reading inventory (67); Q-LES-Q, Italian Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (38); RSE, Rosenberg self-esteem test (65); SI, Social interaction; SAS, Social anxiety scale (78); SF1, short form 1 (61); SF-36, 36 Item short form survey (37); SPM, Standard Progressive Matrices (74); SRS, The Social Responsiveness Scale (80); SAST, Short Anxiety Screening test (76); SCID-II, Structured Clinical Interview for Axis II Disorders (71); SCST, Social cognitive skills test (77); SRSS, Social skills rating scale (79); SCL-90-R, Symptom Checklist-90-R; SLC-ANX/DEP, Subscales of Symptoms checklist 90 Anxiety/Depression (72); TCI-R, Temperament and Character Inventory-Revise; WHOQOL100, World Health Organisation Quality of Life 100 bref (14).