Table E8.
Age | Sex | CPB time, min | CCT, min | Indication | Mechanical support | Outcome | Intra-/postoperative events |
69 | M | 120 | 74 | Type A | ECMO POD4 | Mortality 6 months postoperative | None |
80 | M | 151 | 116 | Root aneurysm | Peripheral ECMO POD12 | In-hospital mortality POD49 | Postoperative tamponade and cardiac arrest |
35 | M | 168 | 102 | Type A | Central ECMO | d/c home | Coronary malperfusion due to aortic dissection, preoperative cardiac arrest, postoperative LVEF <10% |
57 | M | 180 | 112 | Aortic aneurysm | Ax/Fem ECMO | d/c acute rehab | Difficult reoperation after previous type A repair |
59 | M | 218 | 180 | Type A | Central ECMO | d/c to SNF POD44 | Coronary malperfusion due to aortic dissection and rupture |
78 | M | 222 | 135 | Aortic aneurysm | Central ECMO | In-hospital mortality POD5 (stroke) | Reoperation of a zone 2 frozen elephant trunk |
31 | F | 242 | 171 | Type A | Femoral ECMO | d/c home | Coronary malperfusion due to aortic dissection, preoperative LVEF 10% |
41 | M | 252 | 59 | Aortic aneurysm | Central ECMO, central RVAD | In-hospital mortality POD1 | Profound postbypass shock requiring ECMO, open abdomen and chest |
46 | M | 265 | 217 | Root aneurysm | Femoral ECMO | d/c to rehabilitation | Postoperative tamponade |
65 | M | 307 | 181 | Reoperation for root PSA | Ax/Fem ECMO | d/c to SAR | Prolonged CCT due to intractable bleeding |
52 | M | 310 | 218 | Prosthetic root abscess | Femoral ECMO | d/c home | Both coronary ostia involved in abscess cavity, requiring extensive reconstruction |
56 | M | 341 | 219 | Type A | Central ECMO | In-hospital mortality POD11 | Coronary malperfusion due to type A, right and left coronary arteries were bypassed with SVGs off of ascending sidearm branches |
66 | M | 378 | 146 | Thoracic aorta rupture | Central ECMO | d/c home | Prolonged CCT due to aortic rupture |
38 | M | 387 | 204 | Reoperation for root PSA | Ax/Fem ECMO | d/c to SNF | Prolonged CCT due to need for extensive LVOT reconstruction |
72 | F | 439 | 164 | Type A | Central ECMO | d/c to rehabilitation | Coronary malperfusion due to aortic dissection, required left and right coronary bypasses |
CPB, Cardiopulmonary bypass; CCT, crossclamp time; M, male; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; POD, postoperative day; d/c, discharged; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; Ax/Fem, axillary artery and femoral vein; SNF, skilled nursing facility; F, female; RVAD, right ventricular assist device; PSA, pseudoaneurysm; SVG, saphenous vein graft; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract.