A: Representative examples of P. falciparum cells double-labelled with EdU for 30 minutes and then BrdU for 5h. Scale bar all panels 2μm. B: Percentages of all nuclear masses labelled with EdU and BrdU, EdU alone, BrdU alone, or neither label (n = 20 cells, stratified into cells with up to 6 nuclear masses or more than 6). C: Scatter plots showing percentages of nuclear masses per cell with the various labelling patterns. Medians are shown for each dataset. D: Representative examples of P. knowlesi cells double-labelled with EdU for 30 minutes and then BrdU for 5h. Scale bar all panels 2μm. E: Percentages of all nuclear masses labelled with EdU and BrdU, EdU alone, BrdU alone, or neither label (n = 20 cells, stratified into cells with up to 6 nuclear masses or more than 6). F: Scatter plots showing percentages of nuclear masses per cell with the various labelling patterns. Medians are shown for each dataset.