Table 1.
Description of the population genetic data in Dataset 121.
Column ID | Description |
CitationID | Unique ID assigned to each source article |
EntryID | Unique ID assigned to each unique entry in the entire CaliPopGen database |
CitationFull | Citation information |
Kingdom | Kingdom classification for the species |
Phylum | Phylum classification for the species |
TaxonGroup | Broadly categorized taxonomic group |
ScientificName | Currently accepted Latin binomial (GBIF) |
SubspeciesName | Currently accepted subspecies epithet (GBIF) |
CommonName | Currently reported English common name (GBIF) |
MarkerType | General category of genetic marker |
GeneTarget | Specific genes or markers used |
NumMarkers | Number of markers used in the study |
SampleSize | Number of samples used to calculate genetic parameters. Value may be a non-integer if a mean number of samples across a set of loci was reported. |
YearStart | First year of sample collection |
YearEnd | Last year of sample collection |
PopName | Population or locality name |
LatitudeDD | Latitude in decimal degrees |
LongitudeDD | Longitude in decimal degrees |
CoordError | Estimated radius of error in kilometers for coordinates georeferenced by us |
AllelicRichness | Allelic richness |
HetExp | Expected heterozygosity |
HetObs | Observed heterozygosity |
NucDiversity | Nucleotide diversity, pi |
EffectivePopSize | Effective population size |
AllelesPerLocus | Alleles per locus |
PercentPolyLoci | Percent polymorphic loci |
HaploDiv | Haplotype diversity |
InbreedingCoefType | Type of inbreeding coefficient reported |
InbreedingCoefValue | Value of inbreeding coefficient |
SpeciesID | Unique ID assigned to this entry |
HabitatType | Marine, Freshwater, Diadromous, Terrestrial, Amphibious. See text for descriptions |
Columns 32–70 | Animal life history data (see Table 3) |
Columns 71–101 | Plant life history data (see Table 4) |