Fig. 1. Engineering microbial consortia with polymeric microbial swarmbots.
a Engineering stably coexisting consortia by microbial swarmbot mediated spatial segregation strategy. Each microbial swarmbot (MSB) consists of a small population of engineered microbes encapsulated in polymeric microcapsules. The MSBs containing different subpopulations are then co-cultured to form the microbial swarmbot consortia (MSBC). Polymeric capsules insulate populations in different MSB. Therefore, members of the consortium, even with a mismatched growth rate, can grow in balance due to a relevantly independent growth space and defined carrying capacity of the microcapsules. b MSBC strategy enables diverse applications. MSBC method can construct versatile consortia for diverse applications. For example, MSBC (single species) can collectively manufacture multienzyme system. Members of the MSBC (across the species) can communicate or collaborate (division of labor). Phototrophic MSBC can transform the carbon dioxide into the carbon source by phototrophic members to maintain the growth of the heterotrophic members.