Figure 3: Expectations for different scenarios: “In each situation, would you like to bear the same number of children, or a larger or smaller number?”.
Notes: This figure portrays the share of women in the analysis sample who answered “more”, “same” or “less” for 19 hypothetical scenarios presented in the KLPS Round 1 survey. Respondents answering “don't know” to a specific question are dropped. The maximum number of respondents answering “don't know” is 9 (for the scenario “Unable to find husband”). For all other scenarios, at most 3 women said they do not know. Answers are available only for the women included in the analysis sample, for a total of 351 women. Those questions only applying to unmarried women were asked to the subset of 227 unmarried women. Observations are weighted using survey weights from Round 1, adjusted for the two-stage KLPS tracking design.